" EVERY NEW DAWN IS A BIRTH OF HOPE!" "One Earth Vision & Mission" - "Friends for World Peace" 
--- On Sun, 18/1/09, saikat mondal <saikatmondal_2004@yahoo.com> wrote: From: saikat mondal <saikatmondal_2004@yahoo.com> Subject: poem To: friends.for.peace@btinternet.com Date: Sunday, 18 January, 2009, 11:16 AM
Dear Mandel & Carol, Good morning to you on this Sunday.
A friend has written very recently a poem about the horror and carnage ie going on in Palestine esp the killing of innocent children. If you like the poem please feel free to put the poem on the blog. I hope you are both doing well. Hoping to hear from you soon. Saikat.
The Poem: How to destroy a people First of all, teach your own children, with their mothers milk, with the songs that you sing to them at night, that they are entitled,that the land has always been theirs. Over and over again, until the other people who share this land are made almost invisible, so that they become mere shadows to be brushed out of the way of your sun. Don't show your children the maps which shows that other land subsumed, gradually vanishing from year to year. Justify what you do with the profound suffering that your people endured; Let that blind and deafen you to the suffering of others. Trap them into an airless corridor of land, deny them access to their water sources, tell your selves that you're entitled to all their resources. Destroy their olive groves,deny them the choice of their own leaders. Build up an army that leeches upon the hearts of all your men; create over and over again an enemy to throw your fears upon. Then when your enemies young men break out of the anguish that defines their days, unleash your armies, send your obliterating bombs that we finance, into the schools,the hospitals, the playgrounds; And then allow yourselves to weep and send up prayers for the maimed and murdered children that lie beside their lifeless mothers, traumatized and dazed. Israel, would you rather bring down the world, than face up to the reality of what you are doing to your own humanity?
Heartssong 8th Jan 2009 Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2009 8:18 PMSubject: FW: Day 19 - Gaza Update from PSC - 1000 Dead and Nothing Said - 17 January National Day of Protest for Gaza |