It has been many years since the famous “I Have a Dream” Lincoln Memorial speech of 28th August, 1963 by Martin Luther King where he wished to see a United States of America where her people would be judged not by the colour of their skin but by the contents and strength of their character. Surprisingly or not so surprisingly whenever you heard anything about “I have a Dream” speech in the media it never went beyond the colour of their skin and the one about the strength and contents of your character was disdainfully dismissed.
Now what exactly is this thing called: the colour of your skin; the more appropriate word is skin tone - and scientifically speaking the melanin content of your skin or pigment. Each and every human being on this over populated planet of ours (i.e. almost 5 billions or 6 billions- too much already in any case!) have their own skin tone and most importantly it is not a fixed thing; i.e. prolonged exposure to the sun or complete lack of it will cause the skin to take various hues and shades of colour. The quote un quote “white” world spends billions of dollars on sunny beach vacation destinations to work on their tans and even super rich businessman or politicians who are always dropping the words “men and women of colour” in their conversations are often seen holidaying/relaxing on their yachts with a pot belly and a reddish brown suntan. It seems like they need the “men and women of colour” from all over the world to work hard so he can have a break and have suntan like his employees. Let’s also not forget thousands of suntan places doing brisk business all over America and the western world. The point I am trying to make here is the absurdity and the hypocrisy of this whole system based on the tonality of your skin.
The novelist Mr Joseph Conrad in his novel “The Heart of Darkness” observes caustically that Imperialism as nothing but plundering and enslaving of people and culture that possess darker skin a different hair pattern and slightly flatter noses. That they have those particular physical characteristics because of the proximity of the Sun to those equatorial countries is conveniently ignored. What an uninteresting drab world it will be if we all looked just the same. Thank God for our diversity and differences. It seems the ruling class or the ruling elite chose an arbitrary system to divide people to justify their exploitations - and hence the birth of racism and slavery. And then later on religion was added to justify and compound the problem. This vicious cycle of exploitation needs to be broken once and for all for human beings to evolve and move forward in consciousness.
If we look around in this world and here I thank profusely the Discovery channel Animal planet... Plant planet …so on and so forth we are overwhelmed and awed by the beauty and mind boggling range of diversity that stares us right into our face both in the floral and faun an world. And it is only when we come to the Human world this whole concept of diversity takes a back seat in the bus. Why? The answer is simple economics. Everything in this world can be boiled down to hard core economics which in plain English translates for the benefits and advantages of wealth certain people will go to extreme lengths to justify their heinous acts.
In the present times we are not in direct slavery anymore but we are still modern slaves, whether we are slave to technology, heavily dependent upon the economics, slaved and intoxicated by power and wealth… which always goes hand in hand….slave to wrong images as manufactured by the media and the advertising industry which has reduced masses of people to nothing but consumers of enormous amounts of not needed (unwanted) products. We are increasingly living in a very Americanised McDonaldised, televisionised world where more and more malls are being constructed and plastic soap operas and coca colas are thrust upon people who were very recently farmers and fishermen. They simply do not understand what is going on? A simple peaceful life of hard labour and living close to nature (where their main source of joy comes from!) has been replaced by concrete steel glass and plastic civilisation---If we can call that civilisation at all? The people living within that civilisation are themselves uneasy and unhappy and now we go world wide to dump that on simple indigenous people who frankly does not need our civilisation. On the contrary they may have many valuable lessons to teach us on how not to rape and plunder nature ceaselessly and make her barren and bald way before her time.
Now my readers you may ask what does it have to do with Obama as the New president elect of America in 2008 elections…patience my friends and fellow readers. It is America that holds the key to the survival of this planet and mankind. (We say Man-Kind but surprisingly so few in the present days of Ugly competition are actually kind or generous!). It is this very American spirit of can do attitude and nothing is impossible made the global imperialism of USA happen. Is it not possible (and I know I am going out on a limb here) that same spirit once properly inspired can bring about a different sort of change. The Change in people’s heart and attitude, his mind body and spirit. A feeling of Oneness, that we are in this altogether as one mankind one race the Human race. This endless exploitation of world resources to feed the frenzied whimsy of the super-rich and their lifestyle must stop. The world simply does not have enough resources for one billion Chinese and Indian people to catch up with their first world dreams and the life style that goes with it. What we need is to re-evaluate how we have been conducting ourselves and our businesses all over the world. Business as usual also equals to exploitation, poverty and misery as usual. A more balanced sustainable and ethical ways of conducting business is absolutely Imperative and urgent.
Change we must (otherwise it will be forced upon us anyway!) in our attitude our thinking and our lifestyle—mostly in the Westernised democracies of the world to pave the way for a peaceful, tolerable Just and green world. What America does today the rest of the world follows. It is only in America people are not burdened down heavily with an obsolete past breathing heavily over their shoulders, and thus making quick dynamic movements almost impossible. This is what happens with other countries, they are burdened by their own past from India to China to Europe it is a heavy price to pay in the name of tradition and culture, - while America is light and quick footed always flexible, re-inventing and re-discovering herself since her birth of democracy (approximately 250 years ago) to the present times, as election of Mr Barrack Obama as the new President clearly proves. America is moving forward from a colour bound to a colour blind society. It is not that America is incapable of mistakes but it also knows how to rectify and learn from her previous mistakes. In an increasingly bifurcated world of haves and have- nots whether in America, UK India, Africa or Europe we need to set aside our superficial differences whatever they may be(nationality, skin tone, looks etc) and work together for the overall benefits of the Human race. I am specially calling out to good kind decent and well meaning individuals of all nations to work together for a Greater Good and to be honest our very survival and existence on this planet is at stake. (Hell folks we don’t have much time left!)
This beautiful blue white and green Planet Earth of ours which we call home which looks so wondrously beautiful from space yet fragile is screaming for Change---and it is up to us ----to All of US to make that change and transition from steps leading to a mass graveyard to the steps leading to a beautiful garden. I think to me the choice is obvious. What the world needs Right Now is Kindness and Compassion more Contemplativeness, Meditation, a silent Prayer to heal this broken world of ours. This does not necessarily mean that we sit in meditative poses folding our legs (though half an hour a day is not too much to ask surely?) but we have to integrate our kindness and compassion into the everyday world of workplace and practice it with all sincerity and earnestness. We are the keepers of our fellow brothers and sisters and then and only then can we become True care-takers of this world, this Planet Earth.
As I have mentioned in the title of this article “Obama—The Search for An Idealistic Humane Government Continues”…..but that cannot happen unless we ourselves become Human and Humane individuals.
P.S: A note to my readers, you may or may not have noticed I use the word human quite often in this article and I will continue to do so…it is a bit like drilling advertising slogans by TV people and I will continue to say Human----till one fine morning you wake up and you realise that you are nothing but a Human Being after all and all your false identities have been stripped away from you. I look forward to that particular Dawn.
(Aside: I do not mind if that defining moment happens in evening or noon-times, as long as it happens!)
This original article was authored and kindly donated (without copyright,) by writer & Poet: SAIKAT MONDAL. You may contact him personally with positive comments by Email: - it was at the invitation of Carol & Mandel Rheems, of the “One Earth Vision & Mission”, for WE ALL GATHER TOGETHER ALSO AS: “FRIENDS FOR WORLD PEACE”. You may contact us for further details or with positive suggestions by Email:
Sunday, 16 November 2008
“All that we will outwardly manifest rises from within our hearts/and sins of deeds have their seeds in the sins of our thoughts”
“The scenario below could be applied not only to a actual wars (Civil or between Nations) but also to the field of Sport where we celebrate the moment of our “Victory” or “defeat” of our National & Local teams in Athletics or football, as in other aspects of group competition, with our use of “out of date language” derived from more barbaric times”
Always we responded to the News of the “Victory”
in our opposed and opposite ways,
to some of us a success greeted joyfully,
to others despair, ill-boding for our future days
we were not all involved in the actual divisive action:
but all were involved in the aftermath’s divise reaction
what seemed to matter most was who had lost & who’d won,
rather than peace, at last, restored at a bloody setting sun;
of course, all the bereaved there mourned their dead-
the least you could say we all had that in common!
But we should have celebrated a new chance, instead
to end all our divisions whoever had “lost” or “won”
for this emotional division in most hearts lived on,
ensuring that the old war would be re-begun!
Re Religious & Political Disputes
It’s high time that we left “God” out of this!
All our disputes are between but ourselves,
He, It may be our judge in the after-life
but gives laws for our conduct while on Earth we’re alive
which all must equally obey – the jury is still out,
nothing gained by that emotional ranting and shout-
for “God” is not “on your side” nor “on mine”
but on that of a greater Harmony Divine!
All have done some wrong, but have done some right
and the best way to decide is not with each other to fight
for Peaceful negotiation brings Heaven but fighting brings hell
for all involved that in “disputed areas” dwell
and “God”, above all, gave us all rational “Common sense”
so to learn our best Wisdom from experience!
Is “The Truth” Really Nothing But a “Myth”?
“Theories & hypotheses that go unquestioned can often end up being taken as ‘facts’!”
We can believe in the most surreal, bizarre things,
like the Romans that they were refugees from the Fall of Troy
that the Hebrew Ark of the Covenant is an African Drum*
and Abraham begat all the tribes of Israel,
for our beliefs become like holograms
projected outwards from our imaginations,
as once I dreamt that the Spirit of a girl that I loved
used to walk with me in the darkness of the wood, like I, as a child, believed in Santa Clause,
till scepticism made me from such beliefs to pause
and asserted that what is could be only what I see,
all the rest an alluring Movie Fantasy-
fiction or fact? What is “myth” and what “truth”?
I AM, WE ARE, our only living reality on this Earth!
* The Lemba Tribe of South Africa believe this & that they are descended from a lost refugee Tribe of Israel according to a Channel 4 TV Documentary.
As Nature so Man wakes on a perfect, clear morn
for the gentle, quiet work of a new dawn
for the preparation of sowing new life’s seeds,
as Mother Nature strews hers, to meet all creature’s needs,
with no resounding speeches, as in our human halls,
as the ageless music of bird song on our ears falls;
we have the illusion in our abstract speech
that we’re changing the world as our words others reach,
but each day these quiet tasks await
as the myriad silent ones work in Eden’s gate,
all done, by hand, in every place and land,
thus created what we witness wherever we stand
so let this be a quiet one’s hymn of praise
to be these Wise Ones as we create that upon which we gaze,
each, all who are anonymous can contribute the notes
to a symphony of New Creation that we all, together, compose!
Everybody’s Poem Can Be There Own Little Garden!
There could be as many little poems & gardens as people,
collaged, filling out world everywhere with beauty,
and every one’s own poem or painting or garden,
their own romantic, shrine-like corner of Heaven,
their retreat wherein to find their own Inner Peace
where music and colour flow on without cease;
yes, of course, there are those great & prolific poets
who can create entire landscapes and sagas:
but what matters most is that we each, all create
our own fertile, cosy spaces, our Soul-Needs to meet,
even as our New Renaissance is such a landscape of a myriad small gardens,
fragrant with flowers and the Nine Muses’ perfumes,
in which we like birds, in song, take wing,
added Rainbows of joy or melancholy to bring!
When one sinks and thinks too deeply, into the experience of one’s own life, one can become like a deep, dark well in which one loses sight of the world beyond and in which no one else can see or hear you,
even if, at the bottom of that well, one might tap the Spring Eternal of the God within.
David Allen Stringer (16/4/2008)
“All that we will outwardly manifest rises from within our hearts/and sins of deeds have their seeds in the sins of our thoughts”
“The scenario below could be applied not only to a actual wars (Civil or between Nations) but also to the field of Sport where we celebrate the moment of our “Victory” or “defeat” of our National & Local teams in Athletics or football, as in other aspects of group competition, with our use of “out of date language” derived from more barbaric times”
Always we responded to the News of the “Victory”
in our opposed and opposite ways,
to some of us a success greeted joyfully,
to others despair, ill-boding for our future days
we were not all involved in the actual divisive action:
but all were involved in the aftermath’s divise reaction
what seemed to matter most was who had lost & who’d won,
rather than peace, at last, restored at a bloody setting sun;
of course, all the bereaved there mourned their dead-
the least you could say we all had that in common!
But we should have celebrated a new chance, instead
to end all our divisions whoever had “lost” or “won”
for this emotional division in most hearts lived on,
ensuring that the old war would be re-begun!
Re Religious & Political Disputes
It’s high time that we left “God” out of this!
All our disputes are between but ourselves,
He, It may be our judge in the after-life
but gives laws for our conduct while on Earth we’re alive
which all must equally obey – the jury is still out,
nothing gained by that emotional ranting and shout-
for “God” is not “on your side” nor “on mine”
but on that of a greater Harmony Divine!
All have done some wrong, but have done some right
and the best way to decide is not with each other to fight
for Peaceful negotiation brings Heaven but fighting brings hell
for all involved that in “disputed areas” dwell
and “God”, above all, gave us all rational “Common sense”
so to learn our best Wisdom from experience!
Is “The Truth” Really Nothing But a “Myth”?
“Theories & hypotheses that go unquestioned can often end up being taken as ‘facts’!”
We can believe in the most surreal, bizarre things,
like the Romans that they were refugees from the Fall of Troy
that the Hebrew Ark of the Covenant is an African Drum*
and Abraham begat all the tribes of Israel,
for our beliefs become like holograms
projected outwards from our imaginations,
as once I dreamt that the Spirit of a girl that I loved
used to walk with me in the darkness of the wood, like I, as a child, believed in Santa Clause,
till scepticism made me from such beliefs to pause
and asserted that what is could be only what I see,
all the rest an alluring Movie Fantasy-
fiction or fact? What is “myth” and what “truth”?
I AM, WE ARE, our only living reality on this Earth!
* The Lemba Tribe of South Africa believe this & that they are descended from a lost refugee Tribe of Israel according to a Channel 4 TV Documentary.
As Nature so Man wakes on a perfect, clear morn
for the gentle, quiet work of a new dawn
for the preparation of sowing new life’s seeds,
as Mother Nature strews hers, to meet all creature’s needs,
with no resounding speeches, as in our human halls,
as the ageless music of bird song on our ears falls;
we have the illusion in our abstract speech
that we’re changing the world as our words others reach,
but each day these quiet tasks await
as the myriad silent ones work in Eden’s gate,
all done, by hand, in every place and land,
thus created what we witness wherever we stand
so let this be a quiet one’s hymn of praise
to be these Wise Ones as we create that upon which we gaze,
each, all who are anonymous can contribute the notes
to a symphony of New Creation that we all, together, compose!
Everybody’s Poem Can Be There Own Little Garden!
There could be as many little poems & gardens as people,
collaged, filling out world everywhere with beauty,
and every one’s own poem or painting or garden,
their own romantic, shrine-like corner of Heaven,
their retreat wherein to find their own Inner Peace
where music and colour flow on without cease;
yes, of course, there are those great & prolific poets
who can create entire landscapes and sagas:
but what matters most is that we each, all create
our own fertile, cosy spaces, our Soul-Needs to meet,
even as our New Renaissance is such a landscape of a myriad small gardens,
fragrant with flowers and the Nine Muses’ perfumes,
in which we like birds, in song, take wing,
added Rainbows of joy or melancholy to bring!
When one sinks and thinks too deeply, into the experience of one’s own life, one can become like a deep, dark well in which one loses sight of the world beyond and in which no one else can see or hear you,
even if, at the bottom of that well, one might tap the Spring Eternal of the God within.
David Allen Stringer (16/4/2008)
Hymn to Human Love,
Re: Hymn to Human Love,
Wednesday, 28 May, 2008 1:03 PM
"thom woodruff"
There is something we can do
with the sky falling and gas rising
jobs shredding and income going
It is to love. Start small-with a plant,a cat,a dog
unconditionally extend to that which
does not necessarily return your affection-
people have loved these elements before and after you
and will love them as much as you
It is just a lesson in what you can do
when you choose to love.Now you have extended
from nature to animals to living plants and pets
in time you may choose to love human beings
First you need to find them! They hide well!
Humans have been hunted for their affection since the cave age
and often present targets for wars,seductions,false prophets
Relax.Love yourself.That will get you through times
when no other love seems real.Then be surprised by what you feel
when other love manifests /attuned to you
28-STICKY FINGERS with SONYA host 2209 south 1st 7-9pm open stage
30-FIESTA GARDENS FESTIVAL from 9-1pm art,music,poetry,fun,free!
June 1-TANTRA @217 West Hopkins 512 5582233 from 8-10pm worthy!
2-COME HIDEOUT WITH US! 617 Congress from 7-10pm uncensored YES!
3-RUTA MAYA OPEN MIKE from 6-9 inside-uncensored (so far!
4-VINNYS ITALIAN CAFE 1003 Barton Springs-poetry /music 4828484 (7-9pm
Wednesday, 28 May, 2008 1:03 PM
"thom woodruff"
There is something we can do
with the sky falling and gas rising
jobs shredding and income going
It is to love. Start small-with a plant,a cat,a dog
unconditionally extend to that which
does not necessarily return your affection-
people have loved these elements before and after you
and will love them as much as you
It is just a lesson in what you can do
when you choose to love.Now you have extended
from nature to animals to living plants and pets
in time you may choose to love human beings
First you need to find them! They hide well!
Humans have been hunted for their affection since the cave age
and often present targets for wars,seductions,false prophets
Relax.Love yourself.That will get you through times
when no other love seems real.Then be surprised by what you feel
when other love manifests /attuned to you
28-STICKY FINGERS with SONYA host 2209 south 1st 7-9pm open stage
30-FIESTA GARDENS FESTIVAL from 9-1pm art,music,poetry,fun,free!
June 1-TANTRA @217 West Hopkins 512 5582233 from 8-10pm worthy!
2-COME HIDEOUT WITH US! 617 Congress from 7-10pm uncensored YES!
3-RUTA MAYA OPEN MIKE from 6-9 inside-uncensored (so far!
4-VINNYS ITALIAN CAFE 1003 Barton Springs-poetry /music 4828484 (7-9pm
Friend for World Peace,
Spread the word. A key moment.
Wednesday, 12 November, 2008 7:18 PM
"Cathy Zoi, The We Campaign"
"Carol Rawlins"
Follow Al Gore's lead and tell your local paper it's time to Repower America.
Write a Letter to the Editor!
Dear Carol,
In an editorial published Sunday in the New York Times, Al Gore outlined the Repower America Plan -- how to achieve 100% clean electricity within ten years. We've included the editorial below. Vice President Gore describes what's required to transform our nation's energy economy. Can you help spread the word?
An easy way to help is to simply write a short letter to the editor of your local paper. If you write today, your letter could get into the Sunday edition this coming weekend. Just go to:
This is a key moment. President-elect Obama has said that focusing on energy and climate will be a first priority in the new administration. Congress and the new President need to see that they have strong support to "go big" in solving these problems, with clean, homegrown energy -- even in the face of the powerful fossil fuel lobbies.
To build this kind of national commitment, we need to clearly expose the "common thread" that connects three of our nation's major challenges -- the economy, national security, and the climate crisis. This common thread is our dependence on dirty coal and foreign oil.
As Al Gore writes, "Here is the good news: the bold steps that are needed to solve the climate crisis are exactly the same steps that ought to be taken in order to solve the economic crisis and the energy security crisis."
Our simple online tool makes it easy to submit a letter to your local paper. And the letters-to-the-editor section is one of the most widely read sections of any newspaper, because people want to hear what other people think.
Just click here.
Thanks so much,
Cathy Zoi
P.S. For more details on the Repower America Plan, just go to
Op-Ed Contributor
The Climate for Change
Published: November 9, 2008
The inspiring and transformative choice by the American people to elect Barack Obama as our 44th president lays the foundation for another fateful choice that he -- and we -- must make this January to begin an emergency rescue of human civilization from the imminent and rapidly growing threat posed by the climate crisis.
The electrifying redemption of America's revolutionary declaration that all human beings are born equal sets the stage for the renewal of United States leadership in a world that desperately needs to protect its primary endowment: the integrity and livability of the planet.
The world authority on the climate crisis, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, after 20 years of detailed study and four unanimous reports, now says that the evidence is "unequivocal." To those who are still tempted to dismiss the increasingly urgent alarms from scientists around the world, ignore the melting of the north polar ice cap and all of the other apocalyptic warnings from the planet itself, and who roll their eyes at the very mention of this existential threat to the future of the human species, please wake up. Our children and grandchildren need you to hear and recognize the truth of our situation, before it is too late.
Here is the good news: the bold steps that are needed to solve the climate crisis are exactly the same steps that ought to be taken in order to solve the economic crisis and the energy security crisis.
Economists across the spectrum -- including Martin Feldstein and Lawrence Summers -- agree that large and rapid investments in a jobs-intensive infrastructure initiative is the best way to revive our economy in a quick and sustainable way. Many also agree that our economy will fall behind if we continue spending hundreds of billions of dollars on foreign oil every year. Moreover, national security experts in both parties agree that we face a dangerous strategic vulnerability if the world suddenly loses access to Middle Eastern oil.
As Abraham Lincoln said during America's darkest hour, "The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew." In our present case, thinking anew requires discarding an outdated and fatally flawed definition of the problem we face.
Thirty-five years ago this past week, President Richard Nixon created Project Independence, which set a national goal that, within seven years, the United States would develop "the potential to meet our own energy needs without depending on any foreign energy sources." His statement came three weeks after the Arab oil embargo had sent prices skyrocketing and woke America to the dangers of dependence on foreign oil. And -- not coincidentally -- it came only three years after United States domestic oil production had peaked.
At the time, the United States imported less than a third of its oil from foreign countries. Yet today, after all six of the presidents succeeding Nixon repeated some version of his goal, our dependence has doubled from one-third to nearly two-thirds -- and many feel that global oil production is at or near its peak.
Some still see this as a problem of domestic production. If we could only increase oil and coal production at home, they argue, then we wouldn't have to rely on imports from the Middle East. Some have come up with even dirtier and more expensive new ways to extract the same old fuels, like coal liquids, oil shale, tar sands and "clean coal" technology.
But in every case, the resources in question are much too expensive or polluting, or, in the case of "clean coal," too imaginary to make a difference in protecting either our national security or the global climate. Indeed, those who spend hundreds of millions promoting "clean coal" technology consistently omit the fact that there is little investment and not a single large-scale demonstration project in the United States for capturing and safely burying all of this pollution. If the coal industry can make good on this promise, then I'm all for it. But until that day comes, we simply cannot any longer base the strategy for human survival on a cynical and self-interested illusion.
Here's what we can do -- now: we can make an immediate and large strategic investment to put people to work replacing 19th-century energy technologies that depend on dangerous and expensive carbon-based fuels with 21st-century technologies that use fuel that is free forever: the sun, the wind and the natural heat of the earth.
What follows is a five-part plan to repower America with a commitment to producing 100 percent of our electricity from carbon-free sources within 10 years. It is a plan that would simultaneously move us toward solutions to the climate crisis and the economic crisis -- and create millions of new jobs that cannot be outsourced.
First, the new president and the new Congress should offer large-scale investment in incentives for the construction of concentrated solar thermal plants in the Southwestern deserts, wind farms in the corridor stretching from Texas to the Dakotas and advanced plants in geothermal hot spots that could produce large amounts of electricity.
Second, we should begin the planning and construction of a unified national smart grid for the transport of renewable electricity from the rural places where it is mostly generated to the cities where it is mostly used. New high-voltage, low-loss underground lines can be designed with "smart" features that provide consumers with sophisticated information and easy-to-use tools for conserving electricity, eliminating inefficiency and reducing their energy bills. The cost of this modern grid -- $400 billion over 10 years -- pales in comparison with the annual loss to American business of $120 billion due to the cascading failures that are endemic to our current balkanized and antiquated electricity lines.
Third, we should help America's automobile industry (not only the Big Three but the innovative new startup companies as well) to convert quickly to plug-in hybrids that can run on the renewable electricity that will be available as the rest of this plan matures. In combination with the unified grid, a nationwide fleet of plug-in hybrids would also help to solve the problem of electricity storage. Think about it: with this sort of grid, cars could be charged during off-peak energy-use hours; during peak hours, when fewer cars are on the road, they could contribute their electricity back into the national grid.
Fourth, we should embark on a nationwide effort to retrofit buildings with better insulation and energy-efficient windows and lighting. Approximately 40 percent of carbon dioxide emissions in the United States come from buildings -- and stopping that pollution saves money for homeowners and businesses. This initiative should be coupled with the proposal in Congress to help Americans who are burdened by mortgages that exceed the value of their homes.
Fifth, the United States should lead the way by putting a price on carbon here at home, and by leading the world's efforts to replace the Kyoto treaty next year in Copenhagen with a more effective treaty that caps global carbon dioxide emissions and encourages nations to invest together in efficient ways to reduce global warming pollution quickly, including by sharply reducing deforestation.
Of course, the best way -- indeed the only way -- to secure a global agreement to safeguard our future is by re-establishing the United States as the country with the moral and political authority to lead the world toward a solution.
Looking ahead, I have great hope that we will have the courage to embrace the changes necessary to save our economy, our planet and ultimately ourselves.
In an earlier transformative era in American history, President John F. Kennedy challenged our nation to land a man on the moon within 10 years. Eight years and two months later, Neil Armstrong set foot on the lunar surface. The average age of the systems engineers cheering on Apollo 11 from the Houston control room that day was 26, which means that their average age when President Kennedy announced the challenge was 18.
This year similarly saw the rise of young Americans, whose enthusiasm electrified Barack Obama's campaign. There is little doubt that this same group of energized youth will play an essential role in this project to secure our national future, once again turning seemingly impossible goals into inspiring success.
Al Gore, the vice president from 1993 to 2001, was the co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007. He founded the Alliance for Climate Protection and, as a businessman, invests in alternative energy companies.
View online:
Wednesday, 12 November, 2008 7:18 PM
"Cathy Zoi, The We Campaign"
"Carol Rawlins"
Follow Al Gore's lead and tell your local paper it's time to Repower America.
Write a Letter to the Editor!
Dear Carol,
In an editorial published Sunday in the New York Times, Al Gore outlined the Repower America Plan -- how to achieve 100% clean electricity within ten years. We've included the editorial below. Vice President Gore describes what's required to transform our nation's energy economy. Can you help spread the word?
An easy way to help is to simply write a short letter to the editor of your local paper. If you write today, your letter could get into the Sunday edition this coming weekend. Just go to:
This is a key moment. President-elect Obama has said that focusing on energy and climate will be a first priority in the new administration. Congress and the new President need to see that they have strong support to "go big" in solving these problems, with clean, homegrown energy -- even in the face of the powerful fossil fuel lobbies.
To build this kind of national commitment, we need to clearly expose the "common thread" that connects three of our nation's major challenges -- the economy, national security, and the climate crisis. This common thread is our dependence on dirty coal and foreign oil.
As Al Gore writes, "Here is the good news: the bold steps that are needed to solve the climate crisis are exactly the same steps that ought to be taken in order to solve the economic crisis and the energy security crisis."
Our simple online tool makes it easy to submit a letter to your local paper. And the letters-to-the-editor section is one of the most widely read sections of any newspaper, because people want to hear what other people think.
Just click here.
Thanks so much,
Cathy Zoi
P.S. For more details on the Repower America Plan, just go to
Op-Ed Contributor
The Climate for Change
Published: November 9, 2008
The inspiring and transformative choice by the American people to elect Barack Obama as our 44th president lays the foundation for another fateful choice that he -- and we -- must make this January to begin an emergency rescue of human civilization from the imminent and rapidly growing threat posed by the climate crisis.
The electrifying redemption of America's revolutionary declaration that all human beings are born equal sets the stage for the renewal of United States leadership in a world that desperately needs to protect its primary endowment: the integrity and livability of the planet.
The world authority on the climate crisis, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, after 20 years of detailed study and four unanimous reports, now says that the evidence is "unequivocal." To those who are still tempted to dismiss the increasingly urgent alarms from scientists around the world, ignore the melting of the north polar ice cap and all of the other apocalyptic warnings from the planet itself, and who roll their eyes at the very mention of this existential threat to the future of the human species, please wake up. Our children and grandchildren need you to hear and recognize the truth of our situation, before it is too late.
Here is the good news: the bold steps that are needed to solve the climate crisis are exactly the same steps that ought to be taken in order to solve the economic crisis and the energy security crisis.
Economists across the spectrum -- including Martin Feldstein and Lawrence Summers -- agree that large and rapid investments in a jobs-intensive infrastructure initiative is the best way to revive our economy in a quick and sustainable way. Many also agree that our economy will fall behind if we continue spending hundreds of billions of dollars on foreign oil every year. Moreover, national security experts in both parties agree that we face a dangerous strategic vulnerability if the world suddenly loses access to Middle Eastern oil.
As Abraham Lincoln said during America's darkest hour, "The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew." In our present case, thinking anew requires discarding an outdated and fatally flawed definition of the problem we face.
Thirty-five years ago this past week, President Richard Nixon created Project Independence, which set a national goal that, within seven years, the United States would develop "the potential to meet our own energy needs without depending on any foreign energy sources." His statement came three weeks after the Arab oil embargo had sent prices skyrocketing and woke America to the dangers of dependence on foreign oil. And -- not coincidentally -- it came only three years after United States domestic oil production had peaked.
At the time, the United States imported less than a third of its oil from foreign countries. Yet today, after all six of the presidents succeeding Nixon repeated some version of his goal, our dependence has doubled from one-third to nearly two-thirds -- and many feel that global oil production is at or near its peak.
Some still see this as a problem of domestic production. If we could only increase oil and coal production at home, they argue, then we wouldn't have to rely on imports from the Middle East. Some have come up with even dirtier and more expensive new ways to extract the same old fuels, like coal liquids, oil shale, tar sands and "clean coal" technology.
But in every case, the resources in question are much too expensive or polluting, or, in the case of "clean coal," too imaginary to make a difference in protecting either our national security or the global climate. Indeed, those who spend hundreds of millions promoting "clean coal" technology consistently omit the fact that there is little investment and not a single large-scale demonstration project in the United States for capturing and safely burying all of this pollution. If the coal industry can make good on this promise, then I'm all for it. But until that day comes, we simply cannot any longer base the strategy for human survival on a cynical and self-interested illusion.
Here's what we can do -- now: we can make an immediate and large strategic investment to put people to work replacing 19th-century energy technologies that depend on dangerous and expensive carbon-based fuels with 21st-century technologies that use fuel that is free forever: the sun, the wind and the natural heat of the earth.
What follows is a five-part plan to repower America with a commitment to producing 100 percent of our electricity from carbon-free sources within 10 years. It is a plan that would simultaneously move us toward solutions to the climate crisis and the economic crisis -- and create millions of new jobs that cannot be outsourced.
First, the new president and the new Congress should offer large-scale investment in incentives for the construction of concentrated solar thermal plants in the Southwestern deserts, wind farms in the corridor stretching from Texas to the Dakotas and advanced plants in geothermal hot spots that could produce large amounts of electricity.
Second, we should begin the planning and construction of a unified national smart grid for the transport of renewable electricity from the rural places where it is mostly generated to the cities where it is mostly used. New high-voltage, low-loss underground lines can be designed with "smart" features that provide consumers with sophisticated information and easy-to-use tools for conserving electricity, eliminating inefficiency and reducing their energy bills. The cost of this modern grid -- $400 billion over 10 years -- pales in comparison with the annual loss to American business of $120 billion due to the cascading failures that are endemic to our current balkanized and antiquated electricity lines.
Third, we should help America's automobile industry (not only the Big Three but the innovative new startup companies as well) to convert quickly to plug-in hybrids that can run on the renewable electricity that will be available as the rest of this plan matures. In combination with the unified grid, a nationwide fleet of plug-in hybrids would also help to solve the problem of electricity storage. Think about it: with this sort of grid, cars could be charged during off-peak energy-use hours; during peak hours, when fewer cars are on the road, they could contribute their electricity back into the national grid.
Fourth, we should embark on a nationwide effort to retrofit buildings with better insulation and energy-efficient windows and lighting. Approximately 40 percent of carbon dioxide emissions in the United States come from buildings -- and stopping that pollution saves money for homeowners and businesses. This initiative should be coupled with the proposal in Congress to help Americans who are burdened by mortgages that exceed the value of their homes.
Fifth, the United States should lead the way by putting a price on carbon here at home, and by leading the world's efforts to replace the Kyoto treaty next year in Copenhagen with a more effective treaty that caps global carbon dioxide emissions and encourages nations to invest together in efficient ways to reduce global warming pollution quickly, including by sharply reducing deforestation.
Of course, the best way -- indeed the only way -- to secure a global agreement to safeguard our future is by re-establishing the United States as the country with the moral and political authority to lead the world toward a solution.
Looking ahead, I have great hope that we will have the courage to embrace the changes necessary to save our economy, our planet and ultimately ourselves.
In an earlier transformative era in American history, President John F. Kennedy challenged our nation to land a man on the moon within 10 years. Eight years and two months later, Neil Armstrong set foot on the lunar surface. The average age of the systems engineers cheering on Apollo 11 from the Houston control room that day was 26, which means that their average age when President Kennedy announced the challenge was 18.
This year similarly saw the rise of young Americans, whose enthusiasm electrified Barack Obama's campaign. There is little doubt that this same group of energized youth will play an essential role in this project to secure our national future, once again turning seemingly impossible goals into inspiring success.
Al Gore, the vice president from 1993 to 2001, was the co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007. He founded the Alliance for Climate Protection and, as a businessman, invests in alternative energy companies.
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'Change has come to America'
Wednesday, November 5 07:28 am
Barack Obama has become the first black US president after a landslide election victory.
Obama wins historic US election
• Obama considers top job for Clinton
• Fierce speculation Obama will choose Clinton as top diplomat
• Obama and McCain to meet on Monday
• Related Hot Topic: John McCain
Have your say: John McCain
The 47-year-old Democrat led his Republican rival John McCain by 297 votes to 139 as he passed the magic number of 270 needed to win the presidency at 4am GMT. Later projections showed he won by 349 votes to 158.
Mr Obama promised change and a new dawn of leadership.
Speaking after sweeping a series of key battleground states in a landslide electoral college victory, he pledged to be a president of all Americans and vowed to overcome challenges which were "the greatest of our lifetime", including two wars, a global economic crisis and a planet in peril.
"I promise you, we as a people will get there," he said.
Cheered on by tens of thousands of supporters in Chicago's Grant Park, Mr Obama took to a stage lined with US flags with his his wife Michelle and young daughters Malia, ten, and Sasha, seven, at his side.
Mr Obama told those whose support he had not won: "I hear your voices, I need your help and I will be your president too."
He said he would listen to his opponents, adopt a multilateral approach to world affairs and told those watching outside the US that "our stories are singular but our destiny is shared".
"The new dawn of America leadership is at hand," he said.
"To those who would tear the world down, we will defeat you. To those who seek peace and security, we support you.
"And to all those who have wondered if American's beacon still burns as bright, tonight we've proved once more that the true strength of our nation comes not from the might of our arms or the scale of our wealth, but from the enduring power of our ideals: democracy, liberty, opportunity and unyielding hope.
"That's the true genius of America. The road ahead will be long, our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year, or even in one term, but America I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there.
"I promise you, we, as a people, will get there."
Many in the crowd were crying and even political pundits on major US TV networks wiped tears from their eyes as the man who could transform race relations in America ascended to the highest office in the land.
Conceding defeat in his home state of Arizona, Mr McCain said: "The American people have spoken and they have spoken clearly. This is an historic election."
Mr McCain joined outgoing president George W Bush in calling Mr Obama to congratulate him personally.
Mr Obama, a first-term senator from Illinois, will be sworn in as the 44th US president on January 20, 2009.
The win by Mr Obama, the son of a black father from Kenya and white mother from Kansas, comes 45 years after the high point of the equality movement led by Martin Luther King Jr.
The assassinated civil rights leader's daughter Bernice King said: "I was very excited tonight and moved to tears."
* * * * * * * * * * *
Barack Obama has become the first black US president after a landslide election victory.
Obama wins historic US election
• Obama considers top job for Clinton
• Fierce speculation Obama will choose Clinton as top diplomat
• Obama and McCain to meet on Monday
• Related Hot Topic: John McCain
Have your say: John McCain
The 47-year-old Democrat led his Republican rival John McCain by 297 votes to 139 as he passed the magic number of 270 needed to win the presidency at 4am GMT. Later projections showed he won by 349 votes to 158.
Mr Obama promised change and a new dawn of leadership.
Speaking after sweeping a series of key battleground states in a landslide electoral college victory, he pledged to be a president of all Americans and vowed to overcome challenges which were "the greatest of our lifetime", including two wars, a global economic crisis and a planet in peril.
"I promise you, we as a people will get there," he said.
Cheered on by tens of thousands of supporters in Chicago's Grant Park, Mr Obama took to a stage lined with US flags with his his wife Michelle and young daughters Malia, ten, and Sasha, seven, at his side.
Mr Obama told those whose support he had not won: "I hear your voices, I need your help and I will be your president too."
He said he would listen to his opponents, adopt a multilateral approach to world affairs and told those watching outside the US that "our stories are singular but our destiny is shared".
"The new dawn of America leadership is at hand," he said.
"To those who would tear the world down, we will defeat you. To those who seek peace and security, we support you.
"And to all those who have wondered if American's beacon still burns as bright, tonight we've proved once more that the true strength of our nation comes not from the might of our arms or the scale of our wealth, but from the enduring power of our ideals: democracy, liberty, opportunity and unyielding hope.
"That's the true genius of America. The road ahead will be long, our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year, or even in one term, but America I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there.
"I promise you, we, as a people, will get there."
Many in the crowd were crying and even political pundits on major US TV networks wiped tears from their eyes as the man who could transform race relations in America ascended to the highest office in the land.
Conceding defeat in his home state of Arizona, Mr McCain said: "The American people have spoken and they have spoken clearly. This is an historic election."
Mr McCain joined outgoing president George W Bush in calling Mr Obama to congratulate him personally.
Mr Obama, a first-term senator from Illinois, will be sworn in as the 44th US president on January 20, 2009.
The win by Mr Obama, the son of a black father from Kenya and white mother from Kansas, comes 45 years after the high point of the equality movement led by Martin Luther King Jr.
The assassinated civil rights leader's daughter Bernice King said: "I was very excited tonight and moved to tears."
* * * * * * * * * * *
Friend for World Peace,
"THE BIRTH OF HOPE" (by Mandel Rheems)
The coming forth & awakening of a new hopeful & peaceful age that is upon us, some call the Aquarian Age, will become also a greater movement & awakening to the prophesies & visions foretelling of the coming deeper changes in preparation for the Golden Age ahead.
We, of the high council of the ancient Elders, of this planetary sphere called: Mother Earth, or “VAGRA”, are bound by the holiest & deepest commitment to the righteous forces of Cosmic & karmic laws, of the lowest & highest prophetic intent. We are foretelling of the coming forth of a renewed hope regarding the coming planetary disruptions in the immediate renewal & cleansing of karmic negative residue of vibrations & energies – of pollution of the physical emotional & mental thought forms, - & the perverted residue of absolute degradation, that has entered the Earth’s sphere, throughout the thousands of decades & the eons of time – since all began! For life on the planetary spheres connected to the Earth’s evolution & plan.
ALL IS IN GOOD HANDS! - WE HAVE THE PROFOUND AUTHORITY TO ISSUE FORTH THE PROFOUNDEST DECLARATION THAT: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! The exploitation & perversion of these spheres & the abuse of the innocent & vulnerable ones, the corrupt workings of the scientific thought, & the selfish exploitation of the scientific mind of genetic engineering, also including the continued evolving & degrading activities of vivisection & factory farming, will be stopped!
We, of the high council of the ancient Elders, of this planetary sphere called: Mother Earth, or “VAGRA”, are bound by the holiest & deepest commitment to the righteous forces of Cosmic & karmic laws, of the lowest & highest prophetic intent. We are foretelling of the coming forth of a renewed hope regarding the coming planetary disruptions in the immediate renewal & cleansing of karmic negative residue of vibrations & energies – of pollution of the physical emotional & mental thought forms, - & the perverted residue of absolute degradation, that has entered the Earth’s sphere, throughout the thousands of decades & the eons of time – since all began! For life on the planetary spheres connected to the Earth’s evolution & plan.
ALL IS IN GOOD HANDS! - WE HAVE THE PROFOUND AUTHORITY TO ISSUE FORTH THE PROFOUNDEST DECLARATION THAT: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! The exploitation & perversion of these spheres & the abuse of the innocent & vulnerable ones, the corrupt workings of the scientific thought, & the selfish exploitation of the scientific mind of genetic engineering, also including the continued evolving & degrading activities of vivisection & factory farming, will be stopped!
Monday, 10 November 2008
Sunday, 9 November, 2008 10:22 PM
From: "Mellie Rainbow"
Greetings and Blessings, I have just received the gift of a new YOUTube Video of the Prayer In Celebration of President-Elect Barack Obama. This video which was created by Yubupa serves as another reminder of what happens when we come together in love, and allow space for others to share with us and expand our vision. I believe this is why we elected Senator Barack Obama. As an artist, the collaborative is very important to me and I marvel at my Soul Sisters Yubupa ( for her Videos) and Michelle Murray (and her students)at Miami-Dade Community College in Florida for their choreography of my poetry in dance and video. I would be honored if you would share Yubupa's In Celebration of President Barack Obama video far and wide. Thank you! with Love & JOY!
Prayer In Celebration of President-Elect Barack Obama,
44th President of the United States; his wife Michelle, his daughters
Malia and Sasha and All the People of the Earth=Heart.
Blessed Divine Spirit,
Right now we are filled with joy, and respect for each other.
Let our lives have new meaning.
Show us how to best do your work, to have patience,
and undying love for All..
Allow us new gratitude and fortitude
filled with courage and laced with strength
as we shepherd in this magnificent new era.
We have voted with our hearts open without fear.
Let us be exuberant in our hope,
ecstatic in our faith
and peaceful in our joy.
There is work to be done.
Our lives are wrought with challenges
but the world community joins us in this new time---
in our desires to heal and nurture our Human Collective.
We are awakening in love
One by one.
We are re-membering
our children and our seniors as special gifts.
The lens for our collective future is clear.
The message is Change.
We are being asked to return to love.
Love is another name for the energy of God.
It moves through each of us
with each breath we take.
Within this love are the seeds
of Grace and Understanding
that allows us to nurture our world gardens of peace.
It is a peace that comes first within our hearts
and is reflected to others.
It is a peace that allows us to take only our share,
to not be wasteful…
to be generous in Spirit, Action and deed.
This is how our Garden will flourish
and join with the forest, the ocean shore,
the city plains and hills, the country villages,
the mountains and valleys.
This is how we can move beyond war
and create a world with equanimity
where there is food, housing, healthcare,
economic stability
and new solutions to Earth’s conservation and Global warming,
while honoring our entire sentient family .
Let Us Join Together with President–Elect Barack Obama and say….
And So It Is With Love!
From: "Mellie Rainbow"
Greetings and Blessings, I have just received the gift of a new YOUTube Video of the Prayer In Celebration of President-Elect Barack Obama. This video which was created by Yubupa serves as another reminder of what happens when we come together in love, and allow space for others to share with us and expand our vision. I believe this is why we elected Senator Barack Obama. As an artist, the collaborative is very important to me and I marvel at my Soul Sisters Yubupa ( for her Videos) and Michelle Murray (and her students)at Miami-Dade Community College in Florida for their choreography of my poetry in dance and video. I would be honored if you would share Yubupa's In Celebration of President Barack Obama video far and wide. Thank you! with Love & JOY!
Prayer In Celebration of President-Elect Barack Obama,
44th President of the United States; his wife Michelle, his daughters
Malia and Sasha and All the People of the Earth=Heart.
Blessed Divine Spirit,
Right now we are filled with joy, and respect for each other.
Let our lives have new meaning.
Show us how to best do your work, to have patience,
and undying love for All..
Allow us new gratitude and fortitude
filled with courage and laced with strength
as we shepherd in this magnificent new era.
We have voted with our hearts open without fear.
Let us be exuberant in our hope,
ecstatic in our faith
and peaceful in our joy.
There is work to be done.
Our lives are wrought with challenges
but the world community joins us in this new time---
in our desires to heal and nurture our Human Collective.
We are awakening in love
One by one.
We are re-membering
our children and our seniors as special gifts.
The lens for our collective future is clear.
The message is Change.
We are being asked to return to love.
Love is another name for the energy of God.
It moves through each of us
with each breath we take.
Within this love are the seeds
of Grace and Understanding
that allows us to nurture our world gardens of peace.
It is a peace that comes first within our hearts
and is reflected to others.
It is a peace that allows us to take only our share,
to not be wasteful…
to be generous in Spirit, Action and deed.
This is how our Garden will flourish
and join with the forest, the ocean shore,
the city plains and hills, the country villages,
the mountains and valleys.
This is how we can move beyond war
and create a world with equanimity
where there is food, housing, healthcare,
economic stability
and new solutions to Earth’s conservation and Global warming,
while honoring our entire sentient family .
Let Us Join Together with President–Elect Barack Obama and say….
And So It Is With Love!
BY SAIKAT MONDAL - From his book "Dialogues With My Self"
* * * * * * * * *
Peace, thou God’s beloved Angel
When on Earth, will you forever reign?
Behind every newborn’s smile
You put all hope of lasting Peace;
And again all your hopes are dashed
As they grow up, only to run after cash.
When will this hypocrisy end?
Only then, can Peace on Earth descend.
Peace & prosperity goes hand in hand
Never do they both in one place stand
Like bees roaming from flower to flower
Peace & prosperity roams, distributing harmony & power.
Searching for Peace all over the world
But it dwells in our hearts, innermost shrine;
Clear the dust and let it shine.
We substitute wars to justify peace
But how many bloody wars ever peace restore
Enough. Enough bloodshed, Please no more.
A day will soon to mankind dawn
The day when all forms of hostility is gone
No bitterness, no fights
No nationality and religions too.
In unison, we all will sing from our heart
Peace, Peace, Peace is here to stay at last.
I know it’s a dream
That may never come true
But we must dream on
What else is there to do.
O Lord, Let Peace be still
Let it not be a flickering flame in gusty wind.
* * * * * * * * *
To contact the author, Saikat Mondal – Tel or Text: +447947582451
Saikat is working closely along-side with the “One Earth Vision & Mission” to help bring more love & peace to a troubled world & considers himself a “FRIEND FOR WORLD PEACE.”
For further details, Tel or Text Mandel & Carol: +44 7939 623027 and: +44 7944 352752
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * *
Peace, thou God’s beloved Angel
When on Earth, will you forever reign?
Behind every newborn’s smile
You put all hope of lasting Peace;
And again all your hopes are dashed
As they grow up, only to run after cash.
When will this hypocrisy end?
Only then, can Peace on Earth descend.
Peace & prosperity goes hand in hand
Never do they both in one place stand
Like bees roaming from flower to flower
Peace & prosperity roams, distributing harmony & power.
Searching for Peace all over the world
But it dwells in our hearts, innermost shrine;
Clear the dust and let it shine.
We substitute wars to justify peace
But how many bloody wars ever peace restore
Enough. Enough bloodshed, Please no more.
A day will soon to mankind dawn
The day when all forms of hostility is gone
No bitterness, no fights
No nationality and religions too.
In unison, we all will sing from our heart
Peace, Peace, Peace is here to stay at last.
I know it’s a dream
That may never come true
But we must dream on
What else is there to do.
O Lord, Let Peace be still
Let it not be a flickering flame in gusty wind.
* * * * * * * * *
To contact the author, Saikat Mondal – Tel or Text: +447947582451
Saikat is working closely along-side with the “One Earth Vision & Mission” to help bring more love & peace to a troubled world & considers himself a “FRIEND FOR WORLD PEACE.”
For further details, Tel or Text Mandel & Carol: +44 7939 623027 and: +44 7944 352752
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
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Wednesday, 4 June 2008
Saturday, 31 May 2008
Fw: Carol, Take off your Shades, because...
Blessings, Peace & Love be yours for the Divine Plan & Purpose - "Peace on Earth, & Good Will to ALL!" --- On Sat, 31/5/08, Dr Eric Amidi <> wrote: From: Dr Eric Amidi <> |
Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
A Smarter Email.
Friday, 23 May 2008
Flag this messageYOUR LIGHT IS NEEDED NOW!Thursday, 22 May, 2008 7:44 PM
From: "Patricia Cota-Robles"Add sender to Contacts To:
Your I AM Presence, your true God Self, has been preparing you for lifetimes to assist during these very challenging times. You have skill, wisdom, strength and courage beyond your knowing. Take the time to go within, and ask the Presence of God pulsating in your heart how you can add to the Light of the world during this critical and auspicious moment in the Earth’s evolution.
The Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth are reassuring us that everything is unfolding in perfect alignment with the Divine Plan. The powerful purging and cleansing taking place for all of us individually and collectively is indeed intense, but it is a necessary process in paving the way for the anchoring of the archetypes for the New Earth. These archetypes are the patterns of perfection from the Causal Body of God through which God’s Abundance and Eternal Peace will manifest in the physical plane. According to the Spiritual Hierarchy, anchoring these patterns for the New Earth is the greatest need of the hour. The Legions of Light throughout Infinity are standing in readiness awaiting the opportunity to assist us in unprecedented ways, but they cannot intervene without our cooperation. Our Light and Love are needed now.
At this time, the entire Company of Heaven is embracing the Earth in powerful forcefields of Divine Love and Protection. In spite of the horrific things we see taking place all over the world, nothing is happening by accident. At some level, we have all agreed to participate in the facet of the purging process in which we are involved. This is true, even if the facet of the healing process involves people leaving the physical plane.
This is the moment we have all been working toward. This is the Cosmic Moment when Humanity’s descent into poverty consciousness and chaos will be reversed, and the NEW archetypes for Humanity’s Abundance and Eternal Peace will be permanently established on Earth. We knew this would involve an intense cleansing process, and we vowed that we would do whatever was necessary in order for this facet of the Divine Plan to be God Victoriously accomplished. We agreed to this, because we were shown the end results. We were shown the glory and the wonders of the New Earth. In deep humility and gratitude, we agreed that whatever it took to manifest that perfection on behalf of Humanity and Mother Earth, it was going to be worth it.
The viable solutions for all of the maladies existing on Earth are beginning to flow from the Realms of Illumined Truth into Humanity’s hearts and conscious minds. In order to bring these powerful solutions into physical manifestation, awakened people need to have the financial support to bypass the old paradigms of greed and corruption that caused the problems in the first place. At this very moment, there are patterns of perfection from the Causal Body of God that contain the practical solutions to our energy crisis, global warming, disease, poverty, aging, hunger, homelessness, war and every other human miscreation.
Lightworkers around the world have spent decades magnetizing the 5th-Dimensional patterns of the New Earth into the physical, etheric, mental and emotional strata of this planet. At last, we have reached a critical mass that is creating an unstoppable quantum shift. This shift of energy, vibration and consciousness will lift Mother Earth and ALL her Life out of the painful and distorted patterns of Humanity’s miscreations. This shift is paving the way, so that the glorious patterns of the New Earth can physically manifest on Earth.
The Legions of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth have said that this year, 2008, will go down in the annals of history as the Cosmic Moment when Humanity’s descent into poverty consciousness was reversed BY THE UNIFIED EFFORTS OF LIGHTWORKERS EVERYWHERE. This is the year in which Humanity’s ascent into the Infinite Abundance and Eternal Peace of our Father-Mother God will be reclaimed as our Divine Birthright.
In order for this facet of the Divine Plan to be fulfilled, we are all being called to a Higher Service. We are being asked to join with the Company of Heaven, as we cocreate an outer-world activity of Light that will allow the Light of God to flow into the planet in ways we have never before experienced. It is very difficult to express the magnitude of this opportunity by means of verbal communication. So as you read these words, please take them into your heart, and ask your I AM Presence to reveal to you the Truth of this message and to show you what your part is in this Divine Plan.
It is an irrefutable natural law that God’s Abundance and Eternal Peace are inseparable aspects of our Father-Mother God. Without God’s Abundance, Eternal Peace will not be sustained, and without Eternal Peace, God’s Abundance will not be sustained. When we fully comprehend this Truth, we begin to glimpse the magnitude of the opportunity that is being presented to Humanity this year.
There will be several ways in which people will participate in this facet of the Divine Plan. The most important thing for us to consider is that we have all been preparing for lifetimes for this opportunity. We each have been trained by our I AM Presence to fulfill a particular part of this Divine Plan. It is imperative that we ask our I AM Presence for guidance. Then, we must listen to the promptings of our heart and respond to this inner calling.
Archangel Michael and the entire Company of Heaven are asking Lightworkers around the world to respond to this clarion call. We are being asked to gather within the forcefield of Archangel Michael’s Focus of Light, which pulsates in the Etheric Realms above Lake Louise and the surrounding mountains near Banff, Canada. Together we will form a mighty transformer of Light through which the NEW archetypes for Humanity’s Abundance and Eternal Peace will be anchored on Earth.
We will serve as surrogates on behalf of ALL Humanity, holding the sacred space for the I AM Presence of every awakening soul. We will cocreate the Open Door through which God’s Abundance and Eternal Peace will flow into the lives of every man, woman and child on Earth.
This has to be a joint effort. No matter how willing and capable the Legions of Light are or how committed these Beings are to helping us anchor the archetypes of God’s Abundance and Eternal Peace, they cannot do it for us. They can only respond to our willingness to serve as instruments of God. But, amazingly, once we respond to our heart’s call and volunteer to do whatever it takes to be the Open Door that no one can shut, the floodgates of Heaven open to assist us.
These selfless messengers of God have been given permission by our Father-Mother God to amplify our efforts a thousand times a thousandfold. This means that THE MORE LIGHTWORKERS WHO RESPOND TO THIS CLARION CALL, the more powerful we will be and the more Light the Company of Heaven will be able to add to this Divine Plan.
The vehicle to gather Lightworkers within the Forcefield of Archangel Michael at Lake Louise in Canada is the 22nd Annual World Congress on Illumination. This event will occur over the anniversary of Harmonic Convergence, August 16-21, 2008.
This life-transforming annual event has been taking place every year since Harmonic Convergence in 1987. This year will be the 22nd World Congress on Illumination. Twenty-two (22) is the master number that reflects POWER ON ALL PLANES AND THE ABILITY TO CHANGE THE COURSE OF HISTORY. The synchronicity of this event with the unfolding Divine Plan has been orchestrated by the Company of Heaven.
Our time is at hand. Listen to your heart, and you will KNOW your part in this Divine Plan. Archangel Michael is awaiting your response. Ask the Company of Heaven for assistance in paving the way for you to attend this activity of Light. Trust your inner knowing. All is well.
This sacred conclave will be a celestial experience for everyone involved. Each day, as we successfully fulfill one phase of the Divine Plan, Archangel Michael and the Spiritual Hierarchy will reveal the next phase of the plan to us. As we sojourn through the various activities of Light, under the Divine Guidance of our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven, our mission will be victoriously accomplished.
When you enter Archangel Michael’s portal of Light, you will experience the full magnitude of his Power and Protection. Within the Divinity of your Heart Flame you will remember your mission on Earth, and you will be filled with bliss and elation for the opportunity at hand.
The World Congress On Illumination is truly a life-transforming event that will provide you with the opportunity to meet old friends from around the world with whom you have been serving for aeons of time. You will join hearts with fellow Lightworkers who will support you in your selfless service to the Light.
The Divine Plan we are being called to fulfill will be accomplished through myriad activities of Light. We will be joined at inner levels by the Solar Logos from Suns beyond Suns, the entire Company of Heaven, the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity, the Divine Intelligence that directs the Elemental Kingdom, the Mighty Elohim and the Legions of Angels throughout Infinity. All of this will occur within the Infinite Body of our omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent Father-Mother God, All That Is.
The entire Universe is supporting us in this holy endeavor. The Beings of Light have been given permission to assist us in myriad ways, but the Lightworkers on Earth are a critical factor in bringing this Divine Plan into physical manifestation. Our responsibility is enormous, but when we join our hearts together, we will succeed God Victoriously.
Just for a moment, go within to the Divinity of your Heart Flame, and experience the overwhelming Gratitude and Love pouring forth from our Father-Mother God and the Beings of Light in the Heavenly Realms. Feel the deep appreciation being sent to you from On High for your willingness to serve Humanity and ALL Life during this critical moment in the evolution of this blessed planet.
Our website,, contains all of the information you will need in order to participate in the 22nd Annual World Congress on Illumination. Read everything carefully and feel the elation pouring forth from the Heavenly Realms. After aeons of time, the archetypes for the Abundance of God and Eternal Peace are being permanently established in the lives of awakening Humanity. Thank you, God.
There will be many ways in which Lightworkers all over the world will participate in this unprecedented opportunity. Many will have the heart call to serve as the Hands of God on behalf of ALL Humanity. They will travel to Archangel Michael’s Focus of Light and become mighty transformers through which the Light of God will flow to anchor the NEW archetypes for Humanity’s Abundance and Eternal Peace.
Some Lightworkers will be inspired to travel to various sacred sites on the planet to magnetize the NEW archetypes that are being anchored within the focus of Archangel Michael, and project them into Mother Earth’s Crystal Grid System. Other Lightworkers will gather with their groups in their own locations. They will join with us in consciousness, and they will weave their Light and Love into this global activity of Light. And still others will join in consciousness from the solitude of their own sanctuaries.
All of these ways of participating are vital to the success of this Divine Mission. The important thing is that you truly listen to your heart and respond according to your heart’s call and your particular facet of this Divine Plan. No one else can do this for you. Trust your inner knowing.
No matter where you are guided to be, know that we are ALL One. Precious Heart, your Light and Love are needed NOW!
From: "Patricia Cota-Robles"
Your I AM Presence, your true God Self, has been preparing you for lifetimes to assist during these very challenging times. You have skill, wisdom, strength and courage beyond your knowing. Take the time to go within, and ask the Presence of God pulsating in your heart how you can add to the Light of the world during this critical and auspicious moment in the Earth’s evolution.
The Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth are reassuring us that everything is unfolding in perfect alignment with the Divine Plan. The powerful purging and cleansing taking place for all of us individually and collectively is indeed intense, but it is a necessary process in paving the way for the anchoring of the archetypes for the New Earth. These archetypes are the patterns of perfection from the Causal Body of God through which God’s Abundance and Eternal Peace will manifest in the physical plane. According to the Spiritual Hierarchy, anchoring these patterns for the New Earth is the greatest need of the hour. The Legions of Light throughout Infinity are standing in readiness awaiting the opportunity to assist us in unprecedented ways, but they cannot intervene without our cooperation. Our Light and Love are needed now.
At this time, the entire Company of Heaven is embracing the Earth in powerful forcefields of Divine Love and Protection. In spite of the horrific things we see taking place all over the world, nothing is happening by accident. At some level, we have all agreed to participate in the facet of the purging process in which we are involved. This is true, even if the facet of the healing process involves people leaving the physical plane.
This is the moment we have all been working toward. This is the Cosmic Moment when Humanity’s descent into poverty consciousness and chaos will be reversed, and the NEW archetypes for Humanity’s Abundance and Eternal Peace will be permanently established on Earth. We knew this would involve an intense cleansing process, and we vowed that we would do whatever was necessary in order for this facet of the Divine Plan to be God Victoriously accomplished. We agreed to this, because we were shown the end results. We were shown the glory and the wonders of the New Earth. In deep humility and gratitude, we agreed that whatever it took to manifest that perfection on behalf of Humanity and Mother Earth, it was going to be worth it.
The viable solutions for all of the maladies existing on Earth are beginning to flow from the Realms of Illumined Truth into Humanity’s hearts and conscious minds. In order to bring these powerful solutions into physical manifestation, awakened people need to have the financial support to bypass the old paradigms of greed and corruption that caused the problems in the first place. At this very moment, there are patterns of perfection from the Causal Body of God that contain the practical solutions to our energy crisis, global warming, disease, poverty, aging, hunger, homelessness, war and every other human miscreation.
Lightworkers around the world have spent decades magnetizing the 5th-Dimensional patterns of the New Earth into the physical, etheric, mental and emotional strata of this planet. At last, we have reached a critical mass that is creating an unstoppable quantum shift. This shift of energy, vibration and consciousness will lift Mother Earth and ALL her Life out of the painful and distorted patterns of Humanity’s miscreations. This shift is paving the way, so that the glorious patterns of the New Earth can physically manifest on Earth.
The Legions of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth have said that this year, 2008, will go down in the annals of history as the Cosmic Moment when Humanity’s descent into poverty consciousness was reversed BY THE UNIFIED EFFORTS OF LIGHTWORKERS EVERYWHERE. This is the year in which Humanity’s ascent into the Infinite Abundance and Eternal Peace of our Father-Mother God will be reclaimed as our Divine Birthright.
In order for this facet of the Divine Plan to be fulfilled, we are all being called to a Higher Service. We are being asked to join with the Company of Heaven, as we cocreate an outer-world activity of Light that will allow the Light of God to flow into the planet in ways we have never before experienced. It is very difficult to express the magnitude of this opportunity by means of verbal communication. So as you read these words, please take them into your heart, and ask your I AM Presence to reveal to you the Truth of this message and to show you what your part is in this Divine Plan.
It is an irrefutable natural law that God’s Abundance and Eternal Peace are inseparable aspects of our Father-Mother God. Without God’s Abundance, Eternal Peace will not be sustained, and without Eternal Peace, God’s Abundance will not be sustained. When we fully comprehend this Truth, we begin to glimpse the magnitude of the opportunity that is being presented to Humanity this year.
There will be several ways in which people will participate in this facet of the Divine Plan. The most important thing for us to consider is that we have all been preparing for lifetimes for this opportunity. We each have been trained by our I AM Presence to fulfill a particular part of this Divine Plan. It is imperative that we ask our I AM Presence for guidance. Then, we must listen to the promptings of our heart and respond to this inner calling.
Archangel Michael and the entire Company of Heaven are asking Lightworkers around the world to respond to this clarion call. We are being asked to gather within the forcefield of Archangel Michael’s Focus of Light, which pulsates in the Etheric Realms above Lake Louise and the surrounding mountains near Banff, Canada. Together we will form a mighty transformer of Light through which the NEW archetypes for Humanity’s Abundance and Eternal Peace will be anchored on Earth.
We will serve as surrogates on behalf of ALL Humanity, holding the sacred space for the I AM Presence of every awakening soul. We will cocreate the Open Door through which God’s Abundance and Eternal Peace will flow into the lives of every man, woman and child on Earth.
This has to be a joint effort. No matter how willing and capable the Legions of Light are or how committed these Beings are to helping us anchor the archetypes of God’s Abundance and Eternal Peace, they cannot do it for us. They can only respond to our willingness to serve as instruments of God. But, amazingly, once we respond to our heart’s call and volunteer to do whatever it takes to be the Open Door that no one can shut, the floodgates of Heaven open to assist us.
These selfless messengers of God have been given permission by our Father-Mother God to amplify our efforts a thousand times a thousandfold. This means that THE MORE LIGHTWORKERS WHO RESPOND TO THIS CLARION CALL, the more powerful we will be and the more Light the Company of Heaven will be able to add to this Divine Plan.
The vehicle to gather Lightworkers within the Forcefield of Archangel Michael at Lake Louise in Canada is the 22nd Annual World Congress on Illumination. This event will occur over the anniversary of Harmonic Convergence, August 16-21, 2008.
This life-transforming annual event has been taking place every year since Harmonic Convergence in 1987. This year will be the 22nd World Congress on Illumination. Twenty-two (22) is the master number that reflects POWER ON ALL PLANES AND THE ABILITY TO CHANGE THE COURSE OF HISTORY. The synchronicity of this event with the unfolding Divine Plan has been orchestrated by the Company of Heaven.
Our time is at hand. Listen to your heart, and you will KNOW your part in this Divine Plan. Archangel Michael is awaiting your response. Ask the Company of Heaven for assistance in paving the way for you to attend this activity of Light. Trust your inner knowing. All is well.
This sacred conclave will be a celestial experience for everyone involved. Each day, as we successfully fulfill one phase of the Divine Plan, Archangel Michael and the Spiritual Hierarchy will reveal the next phase of the plan to us. As we sojourn through the various activities of Light, under the Divine Guidance of our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven, our mission will be victoriously accomplished.
When you enter Archangel Michael’s portal of Light, you will experience the full magnitude of his Power and Protection. Within the Divinity of your Heart Flame you will remember your mission on Earth, and you will be filled with bliss and elation for the opportunity at hand.
The World Congress On Illumination is truly a life-transforming event that will provide you with the opportunity to meet old friends from around the world with whom you have been serving for aeons of time. You will join hearts with fellow Lightworkers who will support you in your selfless service to the Light.
The Divine Plan we are being called to fulfill will be accomplished through myriad activities of Light. We will be joined at inner levels by the Solar Logos from Suns beyond Suns, the entire Company of Heaven, the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity, the Divine Intelligence that directs the Elemental Kingdom, the Mighty Elohim and the Legions of Angels throughout Infinity. All of this will occur within the Infinite Body of our omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent Father-Mother God, All That Is.
The entire Universe is supporting us in this holy endeavor. The Beings of Light have been given permission to assist us in myriad ways, but the Lightworkers on Earth are a critical factor in bringing this Divine Plan into physical manifestation. Our responsibility is enormous, but when we join our hearts together, we will succeed God Victoriously.
Just for a moment, go within to the Divinity of your Heart Flame, and experience the overwhelming Gratitude and Love pouring forth from our Father-Mother God and the Beings of Light in the Heavenly Realms. Feel the deep appreciation being sent to you from On High for your willingness to serve Humanity and ALL Life during this critical moment in the evolution of this blessed planet.
Our website,, contains all of the information you will need in order to participate in the 22nd Annual World Congress on Illumination. Read everything carefully and feel the elation pouring forth from the Heavenly Realms. After aeons of time, the archetypes for the Abundance of God and Eternal Peace are being permanently established in the lives of awakening Humanity. Thank you, God.
There will be many ways in which Lightworkers all over the world will participate in this unprecedented opportunity. Many will have the heart call to serve as the Hands of God on behalf of ALL Humanity. They will travel to Archangel Michael’s Focus of Light and become mighty transformers through which the Light of God will flow to anchor the NEW archetypes for Humanity’s Abundance and Eternal Peace.
Some Lightworkers will be inspired to travel to various sacred sites on the planet to magnetize the NEW archetypes that are being anchored within the focus of Archangel Michael, and project them into Mother Earth’s Crystal Grid System. Other Lightworkers will gather with their groups in their own locations. They will join with us in consciousness, and they will weave their Light and Love into this global activity of Light. And still others will join in consciousness from the solitude of their own sanctuaries.
All of these ways of participating are vital to the success of this Divine Mission. The important thing is that you truly listen to your heart and respond according to your heart’s call and your particular facet of this Divine Plan. No one else can do this for you. Trust your inner knowing.
No matter where you are guided to be, know that we are ALL One. Precious Heart, your Light and Love are needed NOW!
Friends for World Peace
It came at short notice, we viewed the next day, & claimed it for the Vision & Mission Sanctuary & work, as well as our new home! Mandel & I have not had a "Home Together" in the 4 & a half years we have been together, due to various difficulties! IT IS A MIRACLE INDEED! IT NEEDS FURNISHING (& MUCH PAPER-WORK WITH HEALTH AUTHORITIES & BENEFITS OFFICE) & PLANNING. BUT WE HAVE SIGNED UP & HAVE THE KEY TO THE DOOR! Having to give 4 weeks notice, etc, we plan to be moved in by 15th JUNE 2008. The cow field is only yards away, the pub just across the road has a cockerel to awaken us in the mornings, St Michael's church, equally nearby has bell-ringing to inspire; There's a farm shop, a 2-hrly bus service, a community centre & more to be discovered in the next few days! The nearest Small Town, which is FAVERSHAM, is really friendly & they have lots of helpful facilities! The nearest sea shore would be Whitstable - & Herne Bay where I have very many happy & spiritual memories, both as a child & adult!
We thank God / Goddess & the others concerned with all our hearts!
Contact us for more information:
or the usual mobiles/text: 07939 623027 also 07944 352752
Those on our mailing list will receive information soon.
It came at short notice, we viewed the next day, & claimed it for the Vision & Mission Sanctuary & work, as well as our new home! Mandel & I have not had a "Home Together" in the 4 & a half years we have been together, due to various difficulties! IT IS A MIRACLE INDEED! IT NEEDS FURNISHING (& MUCH PAPER-WORK WITH HEALTH AUTHORITIES & BENEFITS OFFICE) & PLANNING. BUT WE HAVE SIGNED UP & HAVE THE KEY TO THE DOOR! Having to give 4 weeks notice, etc, we plan to be moved in by 15th JUNE 2008. The cow field is only yards away, the pub just across the road has a cockerel to awaken us in the mornings, St Michael's church, equally nearby has bell-ringing to inspire; There's a farm shop, a 2-hrly bus service, a community centre & more to be discovered in the next few days! The nearest Small Town, which is FAVERSHAM, is really friendly & they have lots of helpful facilities! The nearest sea shore would be Whitstable - & Herne Bay where I have very many happy & spiritual memories, both as a child & adult!
We thank God / Goddess & the others concerned with all our hearts!
Contact us for more information:
or the usual mobiles/text: 07939 623027 also 07944 352752
Those on our mailing list will receive information soon.
Tuesday, 6 May 2008
Celebrating Our Humanity
From: "Harold W. Becker"
To: "John T. Goltz"
Subject: Celebrating our Humanity - Global Love Day 2008
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2008 18:12:09 -0400
HTML Attachment [ Scan and Save to Computer ]
Happy Global Love Day 2008!
It is with great honor and delight that we wish you a wonderful day filled with love on this, our fifth Global Love Day for May 1st. Through your strength, courage and willingness, unconditional love is being felt as a tangible presence around the world. This is truly a celebration of our humanity as we unite as one family.
Whether gathering and celebrating in groups or simply in personal meditation today, we are deeply grateful to each and every one of you for sharing the vision of love with us every day.
Love, light and peace,
Your Friends at The Love Foundation
Think: Global Love Day
Feel: Love Begins With Me
Remember: May 1, 2009
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Song: "America's Heart" & Blog
Blessings, Peace & Love be yours for the Divine Plan & Purpose - "Peace on Earth, & Good Will to ALL!" Mandel & Carol
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
To: "John T. Goltz"
Subject: Celebrating our Humanity - Global Love Day 2008
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2008 18:12:09 -0400
HTML Attachment [ Scan and Save to Computer ]
Happy Global Love Day 2008!
It is with great honor and delight that we wish you a wonderful day filled with love on this, our fifth Global Love Day for May 1st. Through your strength, courage and willingness, unconditional love is being felt as a tangible presence around the world. This is truly a celebration of our humanity as we unite as one family.
Whether gathering and celebrating in groups or simply in personal meditation today, we are deeply grateful to each and every one of you for sharing the vision of love with us every day.
Love, light and peace,
Your Friends at The Love Foundation
Think: Global Love Day
Feel: Love Begins With Me
Remember: May 1, 2009
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Song: "America's Heart" & Blog
Blessings, Peace & Love be yours for the Divine Plan & Purpose - "Peace on Earth, & Good Will to ALL!" Mandel & Carol
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Fwd: [Vegetarian Friends] The May issue of The Peaceable Table is now online
In this issue:
* With this issue we launch an irregular column to be entitled
"Glimpses of the Peaceable Kingdom," stories of extraordinary cross-
species relationships of love and friendship. PT has occasionally
featured such accounts in the past, but our Guest Editorial this month
tells a particularly wonderful story of a reptile and a mammal. Read
it and tell us what you think.
* The NewsNote tells of a fine bonobo sanctuary that has been opened
in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
* Bonobos, together with other animals and birds, are also featured
in the Essay Review of "Minds of Their Own," lead article in the March
'08 National Geographic.
* In the Film Review, we learn of some surprising analogies between
the situation of the hero of Horton Hears a Who! and that of animal
* A recipe for delicious tsimmes, encountered at a Passover Seder,
appears in this month's Recipe column.
* The May "Pilgrim" is attorney and author Lee Hall, legal advisor of
Friends of Animals.
* Our Pioneer and Poet is another worthy from ancient Rome, the
lighthearted and sometimes ribald poet Ovid, who in this excerpt from
Metamorphoses (with translation) reveals a serious side.
You can view this issue online at
We always welcome comments, suggestions, and submissions.
Peace to all,
Gracia Fay Ellwood
* With this issue we launch an irregular column to be entitled
"Glimpses of the Peaceable Kingdom," stories of extraordinary cross-
species relationships of love and friendship. PT has occasionally
featured such accounts in the past, but our Guest Editorial this month
tells a particularly wonderful story of a reptile and a mammal. Read
it and tell us what you think.
* The NewsNote tells of a fine bonobo sanctuary that has been opened
in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
* Bonobos, together with other animals and birds, are also featured
in the Essay Review of "Minds of Their Own," lead article in the March
'08 National Geographic.
* In the Film Review, we learn of some surprising analogies between
the situation of the hero of Horton Hears a Who! and that of animal
* A recipe for delicious tsimmes, encountered at a Passover Seder,
appears in this month's Recipe column.
* The May "Pilgrim" is attorney and author Lee Hall, legal advisor of
Friends of Animals.
* Our Pioneer and Poet is another worthy from ancient Rome, the
lighthearted and sometimes ribald poet Ovid, who in this excerpt from
Metamorphoses (with translation) reveals a serious side.
You can view this issue online at
We always welcome comments, suggestions, and submissions.
Peace to all,
Gracia Fay Ellwood
Dear Fellow Global Love Day Family,
Date: Thu, 1 May 2008 16:15:02 -0700
Subject: Global Love Day in NYC
Subject: Global Love Day in NYC
I am just home from today's Global Love Day Program in NYC where we had Yatande Boko, a Haitian drummer, students in dance from Wadleigh Performing Arts High, Kathryn Twinfeathers, a Native American Flute player, Bridget Foley from the Museum for African Art, Marva Allen, CEO of Human Bookstore and many diverse members of the community.
We danced in front of Hue-man, and processed around the block on 125th up to St Nicholas and returned via 124th at the Magic Johnson Theatre Complex.
We then went into Hue-Man for a sacred circle and read poetry, talked about J. California Cooper, Sweet Honey and the Rock, Pete Seeger, the Sean Bell verdict, Mayor Bloomberg's greeting, etc--- Harold Becker and all of you from The Love Foundation, Global love---and loving ourselves.
The group read quotes from Dr. Martin Luther King, Khalil Gibran, Maya Angelou, and Thich Nat Hahn. Dancers shared solo performances to the flute, and drums. We celebrated the moment, and the day. It was glorious!
Kathryn Twinfeathers will send photos in a day or two.
With Love, and Appreciation! Miss Mellie Rainbow aka Melony McGant
Date: | Fri, 2 May 2008 08:14:08 -0700 |
Top of Form
Greetings All,
I've attached a few photos from the wonderful Global Love Day Celebration in New York City at the Hue-Man Bookstore.
In Joy,
Kathryn Twinfeathers
I've attached a few photos from the wonderful Global Love Day Celebration in New York City at the Hue-Man Bookstore.
In Joy,
Kathryn Twinfeathers
Blessings, Peace & Love be yours for the Divine Plan & Purpose - "Peace on Earth, & Good Will to ALL!"
Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
A Smarter Email.
Friends for World Peace,
Tuesday, 29 April 2008
Beautiful Alpine Photos from Vernon Wiley's Blog
Also see his web site:
Blessings, Peace & Love be yours for the Divine Plan & Purpose - "Peace on Earth, & Good Will to ALL!"
Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
A Smarter Email.
Monday, 28 April 2008
NIRVANA Blog: Welcome to our Blog!
NIRVANA Blog: Welcome to our Blog!
This is Carol, I'd like to introduce you to our "One Earth Vision & Mission" to help bring more peace & love into the world, compassion, forgiveness & joy - most of all: HOPE in the midst of the world's difficulties, that there can be a brighter future ahead for all, if we all but keep a positive & trusting vision for a true brother & Sister-hood to come.
This is Carol, I'd like to introduce you to our "One Earth Vision & Mission" to help bring more peace & love into the world, compassion, forgiveness & joy - most of all: HOPE in the midst of the world's difficulties, that there can be a brighter future ahead for all, if we all but keep a positive & trusting vision for a true brother & Sister-hood to come.
Albino Twins!
This Article's Images »
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by Dan (Cowboy Up) V.
April 07, 2008 06:50 PM EDT (Updated: April 07, 2008 06:53 PM EDT) views: 303 | rating: 10/10 (13 votes) | comments: 16
These photos were sent to me in email today. These are of a pair of albino deer and were apparently taken near Karlstad, MN. I thought I'd share them with everyone here on Gather.
Albinos are rare, but twins have to be really rare!
Here you can see Dad ( or maybe big brother) keeping watch in the background.
Ihave a feeling these were taken with a motion sensing camera posted near the feeding station. A rare shot of albino twin deer at any rate! A real treat Mother Nature provided us with! C):-)
GO TO THE WEB SITE: Albino Twins!
This Article's Images »
Image 1 of 3 First|Prev| Next
by Dan (Cowboy Up) V.
April 07, 2008 06:50 PM EDT (Updated: April 07, 2008 06:53 PM EDT) views: 303 | rating: 10/10 (13 votes) | comments: 16
These photos were sent to me in email today. These are of a pair of albino deer and were apparently taken near Karlstad, MN. I thought I'd share them with everyone here on Gather.
Albinos are rare, but twins have to be really rare!
Here you can see Dad ( or maybe big brother) keeping watch in the background.
Ihave a feeling these were taken with a motion sensing camera posted near the feeding station. A rare shot of albino twin deer at any rate! A real treat Mother Nature provided us with! C):-)
GO TO THE WEB SITE: Albino Twins!
Sunday, 27 April 2008
Further to job searching...
Having taken a recent short break/mini retreat in Bexhill, Sussex - Mandel & I realised we could perhaps combine new job & new home for the Mission Base! Hence have been to local jobcentreplus in Bexhill & collected local papers for ads - & online classifieds. Ealing JCP also has jobs in Sussex & elsewhere. I have had 2 interviews so far with one booked for next Thursday in Hove, - with many other local paper ads collected from a day trip to Brighton.
We recently visited a new Mission contact in Bexhill, & have some other first time meetings in the pipe-line which we hope will all bear fruit, eventually, for working together for more Inner Peace & World Peace.
07939 623027 / 07944 352752 /
We recently visited a new Mission contact in Bexhill, & have some other first time meetings in the pipe-line which we hope will all bear fruit, eventually, for working together for more Inner Peace & World Peace.
07939 623027 / 07944 352752 /
Thursday, 24 April 2008
Oh we do like to be beside the sea-side!
Some where in Sussex, or possibly Kent, would be good for a Mission semi-rural base for the deeper inner spiritual work & retreats / therapies.
Can anyone help in this?
Love, compassion, peace & good will - in forgiveness, & devotional selfless service - will triumph over selfish & ego motivation in the long run!
The Greater Task - to help bring more peace to the world, - the Altruistic Vision is not a pipe-dream.
We follow in a long line of saints, avatars & self-less servants of the Divine God / Goddess, who taught the sacred nature of all life in the universe - & sought to liberate humanity from its blind bigotries, fear & en masse desire for money, fame, power over others - and self-fulfilment at the cost of all else!
Let us forgive, & set the example of peaceful protest for a better world! - They may kill our body, but our spirit of Love & Compassionate Courage & outreach lives on eternally! - We will be back as Boddhisatva's to continue our task till all sentient life is liberated from suffering!
Can anyone help in this?
Love, compassion, peace & good will - in forgiveness, & devotional selfless service - will triumph over selfish & ego motivation in the long run!
The Greater Task - to help bring more peace to the world, - the Altruistic Vision is not a pipe-dream.
We follow in a long line of saints, avatars & self-less servants of the Divine God / Goddess, who taught the sacred nature of all life in the universe - & sought to liberate humanity from its blind bigotries, fear & en masse desire for money, fame, power over others - and self-fulfilment at the cost of all else!
Let us forgive, & set the example of peaceful protest for a better world! - They may kill our body, but our spirit of Love & Compassionate Courage & outreach lives on eternally! - We will be back as Boddhisatva's to continue our task till all sentient life is liberated from suffering!
Carol at "Cooper Court" Closed 28/4/08
Carol worked at Cooper Court from Nov'05 - till closure March 08, under Agency then as bank staff.
T'is a little sad, but a crisis of redundancy = also an opportunity for change, a fresh breath of air! A move from London to the coastal parts & / or country-side!
That is our prayer for the opening up of the Vision and Mission"One Earth".
T'is a little sad, but a crisis of redundancy = also an opportunity for change, a fresh breath of air! A move from London to the coastal parts & / or country-side!
That is our prayer for the opening up of the Vision and Mission"One Earth".
Beloved late wife of Steven Pratley from Mablethorpe, Lincs,
- A friend of the “One Earth Vision and Mission”.
1. Be loving and giving,
To all creatures living,
Let none die in pain or in fear.
For on land, sea or air,
All the animals share,
In man’s equal rights to be here.
2. Starving dogs on a chain,
Injured cats in the rain,
Pets neglected, ill treated alone.
Take man’s blindness away,
Let us work for the day,
All men share, with their pets, a good home.
3. For the battery hen,
For the pigs in the pen,
For the calf, doomed to die on the farm.
Compassion we ask,
Let us make it our task,
To protect all farm creatures from harm.
4. Let us all say a prayer,
For the fox and the hare,
And for all creatures hunted for sport.
May all hunting cease,
And those creatures know peace,
As man gives them the freedom he ought.
5. And we have to ask WHY?
Creatures suffer and die,
As science proceeds in its quests.
Let there be more protection,
Against vivisection,
And end all the animal tests.
6. For the whales in the seas,
Or the apes in the trees,
Or all creatures in lands every where.
Let them stay wild and free,
For our children to see,
For their future is put in our care.
7. Extinct is forever,
So it’s now or never,
Protect what is wild, let it live!
All over the earth,
Let men prove his worth,
And learn not to take but to give.
8. Be loving and giving,
To all creatures living,
United, remain to the end.
Let us all work and pray,
For that wonderful day,
All species know man as their friend.
* * * * * * * * *
Beloved late wife of Steven Pratley from Mablethorpe, Lincs,
- A friend of the “One Earth Vision and Mission”.
1. Be loving and giving,
To all creatures living,
Let none die in pain or in fear.
For on land, sea or air,
All the animals share,
In man’s equal rights to be here.
2. Starving dogs on a chain,
Injured cats in the rain,
Pets neglected, ill treated alone.
Take man’s blindness away,
Let us work for the day,
All men share, with their pets, a good home.
3. For the battery hen,
For the pigs in the pen,
For the calf, doomed to die on the farm.
Compassion we ask,
Let us make it our task,
To protect all farm creatures from harm.
4. Let us all say a prayer,
For the fox and the hare,
And for all creatures hunted for sport.
May all hunting cease,
And those creatures know peace,
As man gives them the freedom he ought.
5. And we have to ask WHY?
Creatures suffer and die,
As science proceeds in its quests.
Let there be more protection,
Against vivisection,
And end all the animal tests.
6. For the whales in the seas,
Or the apes in the trees,
Or all creatures in lands every where.
Let them stay wild and free,
For our children to see,
For their future is put in our care.
7. Extinct is forever,
So it’s now or never,
Protect what is wild, let it live!
All over the earth,
Let men prove his worth,
And learn not to take but to give.
8. Be loving and giving,
To all creatures living,
United, remain to the end.
Let us all work and pray,
For that wonderful day,
All species know man as their friend.
* * * * * * * * *
News From Prabhu Music - Home of the Music of Deva Premal & Miten
News From Prabhu Music - Home of the Music of Deva Premal & Miten
Having completed their Australian tour, Deva and Miten are currently in India, at the invitation of avatars Amma and Bhagavan, to play at the inauguration of the new Oneness Temple. The temple is being dedicated as a worldwide and multi-denominational centre for meditation in the spirit of Oneness. A million people are expected to attend the 7 day festival.
Their upcoming tour of Europe begins in May and full details are posted in the Events schedule. We are also pleased to announce that booking for the next Tantra-Mantra event in Maya Tulum, Mexico is now open. Early booking is recommended, as this event is expected to fill quickly.
Pictures from the Australian tour are posted in their Photo Blog & a great new video clip from their Byron Bay concert is up on YouTube.
Also, a reminder that Prabhu Music would love to hear from you if you are interested in networking with us to spread the healing power of the mantras & sacred songs of Deva and Miten. To find out more, email us at
In Love and Light, The Prabhu Music Team
Tantra-Mantra at Maya Tulum, Mexico: Booking Now Open
Deva, Miten & Rafia will once again facilitate a Tantra-Mantra retreat for couples at the world renowned Maya Tulum Wellness Resort on the beautiful Yucatan peninsula of Mexico from December 6-13, 2008.
Nestled between the Caribbean and the lush jungles of the 1.3 million acre Sian Kaan Biosphere Reserve, Maya Tulum has been named one of the top ten vacation resorts in the world by both Forbes and Health & Leisure magazines. It offers seaside accommodations in beach cabanas, barrier reef snorkelling, and trips to nearby ancient Mayan ruins.
Booking for this special offering is now open. See the Holidays pages for more information.
"Thank you so much for such an amazing experience at Tantra Mantra. We absolutely loved every second of it. You have all created something so very magical and so very beautiful, I felt so blessed to be there........I cannot thank you both enough for giving us the greatest platform to really launch our relationship and life together from."
"I remain extremely enthusiastic from my experiences in Mexico, still digesting it All!! Truly one of the greatest moment/s of my life... I have an entirley different perspective of men and women and myself...."
World Tour 2008
Deva, Miten and Nepalese Bansuri flute maestro Manose will be touring in Germany, Switzerland, Holland, Israel, Hungary, Slovenia, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, the Czech Republic and England this spring and summer. Be sure to check the Events schedule for the details.
The tour this year will include appearances at a number of festivals, including: The Rainbow Spirit Festival in Baden-Baden, Germany; The No Mind Festival at Angsbacka, Sweden; and this just in: The Colors of Ostrava Music Festival in the Czech Republic, where they will join Sinead O'Connor, Jan Garbarek, Trilok Gurtu and an international gathering of some of the planets top world musicians.
Their European tour finishes in London with a concert at the beautiful Great Hall in Kensington on July 12 - their only UK appearance this year.
Message From Miten
Hi Friends,
Like you, I have been trying to find some way to make sense of the tragedy in Tibet. By the time you read this, hopefully, things will have changed for the better. But how to find the ‘good’ in such a catastrophe...? This has been my koan since the news broke. How do we find a ‘yes’ to a situation which seems so unjust and unfair? I find myself angry and frustrated – but at the same time knowing that if there exists a ‘no’ in any given situation, there must also be a ‘yes’ hidden in there somewhere.
Every shadow is a result of light.
I once heard His Holiness say that it was a sense of compassion that helped him sustain his peace of mind through the original invasion – and the key to his peace of mind was the understanding that we are all one human family.
Still, something inside me wanted to take the politicians and shake them and scream STOP ALL THIS MADNESS - NOW!!! Even though in my heart I knew it to be a futile reaction, the emotion itself felt very primal and cried out for a voice. I woke with this feeling a few nights ago and lay, looking for that ‘Yes’.
We all have an intellectual understanding of the concept of duality – we see it clearly reflected every day, not only in the Chinese invasion, but in all minute personal conflicts, no matter how trivial. The challenge is, how to consciously live a life of acceptance and understanding, without compromising our own truth. I began to see there may be a blessing after all. If I could use the Chinese invasion of Tibet as a reminder, a wake up call, to be more aware and more caring of those around me – to fully tune in to compassion and the understanding that we are all brothers and sisters, that we are all doing our best in life, no matter how unjust things may seem on the surface. Maybe then I could take some good out of the sad events in Tibet.
I asked myself if I was truly living in ‘Oneness’ with my friends and family, and the people around me.
I asked myself if I had any unfinished business anywhere. Did I have any issues hanging over, that still needed to be resolved? Was I holding anything back? Was I sharing myself totally, and authentically, and consciously...?
After pondering this, I eventually brought the question back to myself – I looked at any inner conflict I may be harbouring. Am I being honest with myself..? Am I being truthful? Am I hiding..?
And sure enough, this meditation eventually brought me ‘home’ - as I lay in the darkness, breathing into Oneness, I felt the gratitude and benediction pour through me – the pure thankfulness for the gift of Life itself. It is a bitter pill, true, at the expense of an innocent people, but what to do? - the challenge is to use every situation in life – even tragedy (especially tragedy) - to find ‘goodness’, rather than simply complain. If we don’t do this as we pass through life, we are doomed to slumber
These times are hard, the lessons are hard. And as our planet continues to deteriorate beneath our feet, there will be more lessons coming – as we all know. We can rise to the challenge...what other choices do we have?
So, yes, pray, sign petitions, attend vigils, take part in demonstrations – we all do whatever we can – but deep down, the thing that is going to help the Tibetan people most - and humanity at large – is if we, as individuals, take the responsibility to reach out with compassion and forgiveness to all those around us, with open arms and open hearts.
It all begins at home.
Light a candle for His Holiness and his people tonight...and say a prayer for the human race.
With love, Miten
p.s. Deva suggested sharing this passage from Osho on Atisha's Heart Meditation with you.
Transformation: Atisha's Heart Meditation
"When you breathe in, breathe in all the misery and suffering of all the beings of the world -- past, present and future. And when you breathe out, breathe out all the joy that you have, all the blissfulness that you have, all the benediction that you have. Breathe out, pour yourself into existence. This is the method of compassion: drink in all the suffering and pour out all the blessings.
"And you will be surprised if you do it. The moment you take all the sufferings of the world inside you, they are no longer sufferings. The heart immediately transforms the energy. The heart is a transforming force: drink in misery, and it is transformed into blissfulness... then pour it out.
"Once you have learned that your heart can do this magic, this miracle, you would like to do it again and again. Try it. It is one of the most practical methods -- simple, and it brings immediate results. Do it today, and see."
Osho: The Book of Wisdom, #1
Highlights From The Road
You Gotta Move - Deva, Miten and Manose with friend Khalid on blues harmonica in Byron Bay. Deva Premal at the Melbourne workshop.
Ecstatic Chant Retreat at Lake Ainsworth.
In Fiji, to play for the inauguration of a Oneness Temple at Tony & Sage Robbins' retreat resort.
Links of Note
++On a lighter note - as life goes on - I recently heard Bruce Springsteen's album Live In Dublin. Check out what happens when a rocker turns his hand to folk music – and hold on to your hats! - this is folk music at its bawdiest and raunchiest - happy, tearful, uplifting, deep, poignant, sad, and joyful-for-no-reason-at-all!
++Our book of the moment: Spell of the Sensuous by David Abram.
++And here you’ll find a nice article on the benefits of singing (thanks Timmin.
Note from Carol:
Request their newsletter from the above link, & see their lovely photos. Also short excerpts from their music cd's. ENJOY!
Having completed their Australian tour, Deva and Miten are currently in India, at the invitation of avatars Amma and Bhagavan, to play at the inauguration of the new Oneness Temple. The temple is being dedicated as a worldwide and multi-denominational centre for meditation in the spirit of Oneness. A million people are expected to attend the 7 day festival.
Their upcoming tour of Europe begins in May and full details are posted in the Events schedule. We are also pleased to announce that booking for the next Tantra-Mantra event in Maya Tulum, Mexico is now open. Early booking is recommended, as this event is expected to fill quickly.
Pictures from the Australian tour are posted in their Photo Blog & a great new video clip from their Byron Bay concert is up on YouTube.
Also, a reminder that Prabhu Music would love to hear from you if you are interested in networking with us to spread the healing power of the mantras & sacred songs of Deva and Miten. To find out more, email us at
In Love and Light, The Prabhu Music Team
Tantra-Mantra at Maya Tulum, Mexico: Booking Now Open
Deva, Miten & Rafia will once again facilitate a Tantra-Mantra retreat for couples at the world renowned Maya Tulum Wellness Resort on the beautiful Yucatan peninsula of Mexico from December 6-13, 2008.
Nestled between the Caribbean and the lush jungles of the 1.3 million acre Sian Kaan Biosphere Reserve, Maya Tulum has been named one of the top ten vacation resorts in the world by both Forbes and Health & Leisure magazines. It offers seaside accommodations in beach cabanas, barrier reef snorkelling, and trips to nearby ancient Mayan ruins.
Booking for this special offering is now open. See the Holidays pages for more information.
"Thank you so much for such an amazing experience at Tantra Mantra. We absolutely loved every second of it. You have all created something so very magical and so very beautiful, I felt so blessed to be there........I cannot thank you both enough for giving us the greatest platform to really launch our relationship and life together from."
"I remain extremely enthusiastic from my experiences in Mexico, still digesting it All!! Truly one of the greatest moment/s of my life... I have an entirley different perspective of men and women and myself...."
World Tour 2008
Deva, Miten and Nepalese Bansuri flute maestro Manose will be touring in Germany, Switzerland, Holland, Israel, Hungary, Slovenia, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, the Czech Republic and England this spring and summer. Be sure to check the Events schedule for the details.
The tour this year will include appearances at a number of festivals, including: The Rainbow Spirit Festival in Baden-Baden, Germany; The No Mind Festival at Angsbacka, Sweden; and this just in: The Colors of Ostrava Music Festival in the Czech Republic, where they will join Sinead O'Connor, Jan Garbarek, Trilok Gurtu and an international gathering of some of the planets top world musicians.
Their European tour finishes in London with a concert at the beautiful Great Hall in Kensington on July 12 - their only UK appearance this year.
Message From Miten
Hi Friends,
Like you, I have been trying to find some way to make sense of the tragedy in Tibet. By the time you read this, hopefully, things will have changed for the better. But how to find the ‘good’ in such a catastrophe...? This has been my koan since the news broke. How do we find a ‘yes’ to a situation which seems so unjust and unfair? I find myself angry and frustrated – but at the same time knowing that if there exists a ‘no’ in any given situation, there must also be a ‘yes’ hidden in there somewhere.
Every shadow is a result of light.
I once heard His Holiness say that it was a sense of compassion that helped him sustain his peace of mind through the original invasion – and the key to his peace of mind was the understanding that we are all one human family.
Still, something inside me wanted to take the politicians and shake them and scream STOP ALL THIS MADNESS - NOW!!! Even though in my heart I knew it to be a futile reaction, the emotion itself felt very primal and cried out for a voice. I woke with this feeling a few nights ago and lay, looking for that ‘Yes’.
We all have an intellectual understanding of the concept of duality – we see it clearly reflected every day, not only in the Chinese invasion, but in all minute personal conflicts, no matter how trivial. The challenge is, how to consciously live a life of acceptance and understanding, without compromising our own truth. I began to see there may be a blessing after all. If I could use the Chinese invasion of Tibet as a reminder, a wake up call, to be more aware and more caring of those around me – to fully tune in to compassion and the understanding that we are all brothers and sisters, that we are all doing our best in life, no matter how unjust things may seem on the surface. Maybe then I could take some good out of the sad events in Tibet.
I asked myself if I was truly living in ‘Oneness’ with my friends and family, and the people around me.
I asked myself if I had any unfinished business anywhere. Did I have any issues hanging over, that still needed to be resolved? Was I holding anything back? Was I sharing myself totally, and authentically, and consciously...?
After pondering this, I eventually brought the question back to myself – I looked at any inner conflict I may be harbouring. Am I being honest with myself..? Am I being truthful? Am I hiding..?
And sure enough, this meditation eventually brought me ‘home’ - as I lay in the darkness, breathing into Oneness, I felt the gratitude and benediction pour through me – the pure thankfulness for the gift of Life itself. It is a bitter pill, true, at the expense of an innocent people, but what to do? - the challenge is to use every situation in life – even tragedy (especially tragedy) - to find ‘goodness’, rather than simply complain. If we don’t do this as we pass through life, we are doomed to slumber
These times are hard, the lessons are hard. And as our planet continues to deteriorate beneath our feet, there will be more lessons coming – as we all know. We can rise to the challenge...what other choices do we have?
So, yes, pray, sign petitions, attend vigils, take part in demonstrations – we all do whatever we can – but deep down, the thing that is going to help the Tibetan people most - and humanity at large – is if we, as individuals, take the responsibility to reach out with compassion and forgiveness to all those around us, with open arms and open hearts.
It all begins at home.
Light a candle for His Holiness and his people tonight...and say a prayer for the human race.
With love, Miten
p.s. Deva suggested sharing this passage from Osho on Atisha's Heart Meditation with you.
Transformation: Atisha's Heart Meditation
"When you breathe in, breathe in all the misery and suffering of all the beings of the world -- past, present and future. And when you breathe out, breathe out all the joy that you have, all the blissfulness that you have, all the benediction that you have. Breathe out, pour yourself into existence. This is the method of compassion: drink in all the suffering and pour out all the blessings.
"And you will be surprised if you do it. The moment you take all the sufferings of the world inside you, they are no longer sufferings. The heart immediately transforms the energy. The heart is a transforming force: drink in misery, and it is transformed into blissfulness... then pour it out.
"Once you have learned that your heart can do this magic, this miracle, you would like to do it again and again. Try it. It is one of the most practical methods -- simple, and it brings immediate results. Do it today, and see."
Osho: The Book of Wisdom, #1
Highlights From The Road
You Gotta Move - Deva, Miten and Manose with friend Khalid on blues harmonica in Byron Bay. Deva Premal at the Melbourne workshop.
Ecstatic Chant Retreat at Lake Ainsworth.
In Fiji, to play for the inauguration of a Oneness Temple at Tony & Sage Robbins' retreat resort.
Links of Note
++On a lighter note - as life goes on - I recently heard Bruce Springsteen's album Live In Dublin. Check out what happens when a rocker turns his hand to folk music – and hold on to your hats! - this is folk music at its bawdiest and raunchiest - happy, tearful, uplifting, deep, poignant, sad, and joyful-for-no-reason-at-all!
++Our book of the moment: Spell of the Sensuous by David Abram.
++And here you’ll find a nice article on the benefits of singing (thanks Timmin.
Note from Carol:
Request their newsletter from the above link, & see their lovely photos. Also short excerpts from their music cd's. ENJOY!
For Immediate Release
Contact: Melony McGant
“Internationally Acclaimed Haitian Singer/folklorist/master drummer Yatande Boko ( Jude Sanon) performs with friends in Honor of Global Love Day On May 1, 2008 at Hue-man Bookstore in Harlem NYC !”
From 3pm to 5pm, on Thursday, May 1, 2007, internationally acclaimed Haitian singer, folklorist and master drummer Yatande Boko ( Jude Sanon) will perform, and open a Global Love Day Celebration with a special drum ceremony outside Hue-Man Bookstore honoring the work of humanitarians Maya Angelou, J. California Cooper, Kahlil Gibran, Thich Nat Hahn, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Sweet Honey in the Rock and Love Foundation Ambassador, the re-known Peter Seeger.
Said Mayor Michael Bloomberg “200 languages are spoken on new York City streets, and throughout the five boroughs men and women from every culture live side by side in mutual respect. We know that our diversity is a source of strength, and are pleased to join The Love Foundation in celebration the common threads that unite all races and ethnicities together.”
Also on hand for Global Love Day will be Native American Flute player and singer Kathryn Twinfeathers, singer Chiquita Montgomery, dancer/ educator Marcea T. Daiter, and storyteller Miss Mellie Rainbow. Daiter will bring the Wadleigh Dance Ensemble from Wadleigh Secondary School for Performing and Visual Arts in Harlem . These young people, and members of the audience will be invited to read special love selections from cherished authors and sing songs of love from the Civil Rights Movement. Nicole Dunbar will make special gift presentations.
Global Love Day On May 1, 2008 from 3-5pm is a free family event at Hue-man Bookstore in Harlem NYC !”
Hue-Man Bookstore is located at 2319 Frederick Douglass Blvd between 124th and 125th street in Harlem . Call 212-665-7400 for more information.
Global Love Day is a program of The Love Foundation. The NYC event is co-sponsored by Hue-Man Bookstore, and the Museum for African Art with support from Affinity Healthcare.
Contact: Melony McGant
“Internationally Acclaimed Haitian Singer/folklorist/master drummer Yatande Boko ( Jude Sanon) performs with friends in Honor of Global Love Day On May 1, 2008 at Hue-man Bookstore in Harlem NYC !”
From 3pm to 5pm, on Thursday, May 1, 2007, internationally acclaimed Haitian singer, folklorist and master drummer Yatande Boko ( Jude Sanon) will perform, and open a Global Love Day Celebration with a special drum ceremony outside Hue-Man Bookstore honoring the work of humanitarians Maya Angelou, J. California Cooper, Kahlil Gibran, Thich Nat Hahn, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Sweet Honey in the Rock and Love Foundation Ambassador, the re-known Peter Seeger.
Said Mayor Michael Bloomberg “200 languages are spoken on new York City streets, and throughout the five boroughs men and women from every culture live side by side in mutual respect. We know that our diversity is a source of strength, and are pleased to join The Love Foundation in celebration the common threads that unite all races and ethnicities together.”
Also on hand for Global Love Day will be Native American Flute player and singer Kathryn Twinfeathers, singer Chiquita Montgomery, dancer/ educator Marcea T. Daiter, and storyteller Miss Mellie Rainbow. Daiter will bring the Wadleigh Dance Ensemble from Wadleigh Secondary School for Performing and Visual Arts in Harlem . These young people, and members of the audience will be invited to read special love selections from cherished authors and sing songs of love from the Civil Rights Movement. Nicole Dunbar will make special gift presentations.
Global Love Day On May 1, 2008 from 3-5pm is a free family event at Hue-man Bookstore in Harlem NYC !”
Hue-Man Bookstore is located at 2319 Frederick Douglass Blvd between 124th and 125th street in Harlem . Call 212-665-7400 for more information.
Global Love Day is a program of The Love Foundation. The NYC event is co-sponsored by Hue-Man Bookstore, and the Museum for African Art with support from Affinity Healthcare.
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