Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Fwd: [Vegetarian Friends] The May issue of The Peaceable Table is now online

In this issue:

* With this issue we launch an irregular column to be entitled
"Glimpses of the Peaceable Kingdom," stories of extraordinary cross-
species relationships of love and friendship. PT has occasionally
featured such accounts in the past, but our Guest Editorial this month
tells a particularly wonderful story of a reptile and a mammal. Read
it and tell us what you think.

* The NewsNote tells of a fine bonobo sanctuary that has been opened
in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

* Bonobos, together with other animals and birds, are also featured
in the Essay Review of "Minds of Their Own," lead article in the March
'08 National Geographic.

* In the Film Review, we learn of some surprising analogies between
the situation of the hero of Horton Hears a Who! and that of animal

* A recipe for delicious tsimmes, encountered at a Passover Seder,
appears in this month's Recipe column.

* The May "Pilgrim" is attorney and author Lee Hall, legal advisor of
Friends of Animals.

* Our Pioneer and Poet is another worthy from ancient Rome, the
lighthearted and sometimes ribald poet Ovid, who in this excerpt from
Metamorphoses (with translation) reveals a serious side.

You can view this issue online at

We always welcome comments, suggestions, and submissions.

Peace to all,
Gracia Fay Ellwood

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