Saturday, 31 May 2008

Fw: Carol, Take off your Shades, because...

Blessings, Peace & Love be yours for the Divine Plan & Purpose - "Peace on Earth, & Good Will to ALL!"  Mandel & Carol

--- On Sat, 31/5/08, Dr Eric Amidi <> wrote:
From: Dr Eric Amidi <>
Subject: Carol, Take off your Shades, because...
To: "carol" <>
Date: Saturday, 31 May, 2008, 1:19 AM

Hi Carol,

When you READ this e-letter, you will get an idea how it
FEELS to see things without judgment...

Seeing things without judgment can
Skyrocket your manifestations...

Let me start off with a fictional story...

hmm..., An absolutely fictional story!

Once there was this world in which everyone was wearing
blue shades...

Perhaps, they were all born with these shades...

They thought it was part of them, since they were always
wearing them...

Having blue shades on, they would see everything in blue

But, they were whispers of existence of others colors...

Apparently, small group of them had a glimpse of
light without blue filters...

Perhaps, their shades had seams or were not rigidly
attached to their eyes...

This small group could see other colors sometimes...


They could not explain it to others...

You see Carol, the problem was in this world,
they didn't have words for other colors...

That's why it was so difficult to convince others that
there are other colors

In fact, every one of them had glimpses of other colors through
the seams of their shades but most of them dismissed those
cases as flukes...

Except that small group of people who were
exposed to bright light at some point and more light had made its
way through the seams unfiltered...

Some others called them MIRACLES...

So obviously, you understand why some of the people in this world
would be very skeptical about the existence of other colors...
Some even critical...

The most critical ones said: "OK, let's test it"
They were very logical. So they built real sophisticated
devices to detect other colors...

They built the device and looked through it...
Guess what? They saw blue only again, because they still
had their blue shades on...

You see Carol, they didn't know that the problem
was not out there. They were all kind of colors out there...

The problem was within. The problem was with the way they
were seeing things, filtering the whole reality and seeing
only a tiny part of it...

I've got to tell you, this story was not as fictional as I initially
claimed...and by the way, this is not the end of the story. I will
tell you the ending at the end of the e-letter.

We are all walking around with certain beliefs that are
preventing us from manifesting GREAT RELATIONSHIPS,
GREAT WEALTH, or other desires... wrong beliefs that we are not
even aware of because like those blue shades, they have been
with us for a long time...

But you know, there is a way to take off the shades, and see
all the opportunities out there and manifest your greatest
desires... (Even those desires that the blue shade wearers say

In my ebook, I talk about manifestation sessions and belief
changes. In my Upcoming AUDIO SERIES, I go even DEEPER in that:

Oh, by the way, as for the end of the story, it does have a happy

That small group ended up learning how to take off their blue shades
systematically. They are now coming up with great methods to do

And now they are spreading it around in that world. People are
how to take their blue shades off and see the whole range of colors
see how beautiful the life can be...


Don't forget to send your feedbacks, success stories and testimonials

As always, it HELPS OTHERS with their journeys...

I'll talk to you soon,
Your Friend,
Dr E 


708 S Barrington Ave, no 304, los angeles, CA 90049, USA

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Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
A Smarter Email.

Friday, 23 May 2008


Flag this messageYOUR LIGHT IS NEEDED NOW!Thursday, 22 May, 2008 7:44 PM
From: "Patricia Cota-Robles" Add sender to Contacts To:

Your I AM Presence, your true God Self, has been preparing you for lifetimes to assist during these very challenging times. You have skill, wisdom, strength and courage beyond your knowing. Take the time to go within, and ask the Presence of God pulsating in your heart how you can add to the Light of the world during this critical and auspicious moment in the Earth’s evolution.

The Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth are reassuring us that everything is unfolding in perfect alignment with the Divine Plan. The powerful purging and cleansing taking place for all of us individually and collectively is indeed intense, but it is a necessary process in paving the way for the anchoring of the archetypes for the New Earth. These archetypes are the patterns of perfection from the Causal Body of God through which God’s Abundance and Eternal Peace will manifest in the physical plane. According to the Spiritual Hierarchy, anchoring these patterns for the New Earth is the greatest need of the hour. The Legions of Light throughout Infinity are standing in readiness awaiting the opportunity to assist us in unprecedented ways, but they cannot intervene without our cooperation. Our Light and Love are needed now.

At this time, the entire Company of Heaven is embracing the Earth in powerful forcefields of Divine Love and Protection. In spite of the horrific things we see taking place all over the world, nothing is happening by accident. At some level, we have all agreed to participate in the facet of the purging process in which we are involved. This is true, even if the facet of the healing process involves people leaving the physical plane.

This is the moment we have all been working toward. This is the Cosmic Moment when Humanity’s descent into poverty consciousness and chaos will be reversed, and the NEW archetypes for Humanity’s Abundance and Eternal Peace will be permanently established on Earth. We knew this would involve an intense cleansing process, and we vowed that we would do whatever was necessary in order for this facet of the Divine Plan to be God Victoriously accomplished. We agreed to this, because we were shown the end results. We were shown the glory and the wonders of the New Earth. In deep humility and gratitude, we agreed that whatever it took to manifest that perfection on behalf of Humanity and Mother Earth, it was going to be worth it.

The viable solutions for all of the maladies existing on Earth are beginning to flow from the Realms of Illumined Truth into Humanity’s hearts and conscious minds. In order to bring these powerful solutions into physical manifestation, awakened people need to have the financial support to bypass the old paradigms of greed and corruption that caused the problems in the first place. At this very moment, there are patterns of perfection from the Causal Body of God that contain the practical solutions to our energy crisis, global warming, disease, poverty, aging, hunger, homelessness, war and every other human miscreation.

Lightworkers around the world have spent decades magnetizing the 5th-Dimensional patterns of the New Earth into the physical, etheric, mental and emotional strata of this planet. At last, we have reached a critical mass that is creating an unstoppable quantum shift. This shift of energy, vibration and consciousness will lift Mother Earth and ALL her Life out of the painful and distorted patterns of Humanity’s miscreations. This shift is paving the way, so that the glorious patterns of the New Earth can physically manifest on Earth.

The Legions of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth have said that this year, 2008, will go down in the annals of history as the Cosmic Moment when Humanity’s descent into poverty consciousness was reversed BY THE UNIFIED EFFORTS OF LIGHTWORKERS EVERYWHERE. This is the year in which Humanity’s ascent into the Infinite Abundance and Eternal Peace of our Father-Mother God will be reclaimed as our Divine Birthright.

In order for this facet of the Divine Plan to be fulfilled, we are all being called to a Higher Service. We are being asked to join with the Company of Heaven, as we cocreate an outer-world activity of Light that will allow the Light of God to flow into the planet in ways we have never before experienced. It is very difficult to express the magnitude of this opportunity by means of verbal communication. So as you read these words, please take them into your heart, and ask your I AM Presence to reveal to you the Truth of this message and to show you what your part is in this Divine Plan.

It is an irrefutable natural law that God’s Abundance and Eternal Peace are inseparable aspects of our Father-Mother God. Without God’s Abundance, Eternal Peace will not be sustained, and without Eternal Peace, God’s Abundance will not be sustained. When we fully comprehend this Truth, we begin to glimpse the magnitude of the opportunity that is being presented to Humanity this year.

There will be several ways in which people will participate in this facet of the Divine Plan. The most important thing for us to consider is that we have all been preparing for lifetimes for this opportunity. We each have been trained by our I AM Presence to fulfill a particular part of this Divine Plan. It is imperative that we ask our I AM Presence for guidance. Then, we must listen to the promptings of our heart and respond to this inner calling.

Archangel Michael and the entire Company of Heaven are asking Lightworkers around the world to respond to this clarion call. We are being asked to gather within the forcefield of Archangel Michael’s Focus of Light, which pulsates in the Etheric Realms above Lake Louise and the surrounding mountains near Banff, Canada. Together we will form a mighty transformer of Light through which the NEW archetypes for Humanity’s Abundance and Eternal Peace will be anchored on Earth.

We will serve as surrogates on behalf of ALL Humanity, holding the sacred space for the I AM Presence of every awakening soul. We will cocreate the Open Door through which God’s Abundance and Eternal Peace will flow into the lives of every man, woman and child on Earth.

This has to be a joint effort. No matter how willing and capable the Legions of Light are or how committed these Beings are to helping us anchor the archetypes of God’s Abundance and Eternal Peace, they cannot do it for us. They can only respond to our willingness to serve as instruments of God. But, amazingly, once we respond to our heart’s call and volunteer to do whatever it takes to be the Open Door that no one can shut, the floodgates of Heaven open to assist us.

These selfless messengers of God have been given permission by our Father-Mother God to amplify our efforts a thousand times a thousandfold. This means that THE MORE LIGHTWORKERS WHO RESPOND TO THIS CLARION CALL, the more powerful we will be and the more Light the Company of Heaven will be able to add to this Divine Plan.

The vehicle to gather Lightworkers within the Forcefield of Archangel Michael at Lake Louise in Canada is the 22nd Annual World Congress on Illumination. This event will occur over the anniversary of Harmonic Convergence, August 16-21, 2008.

This life-transforming annual event has been taking place every year since Harmonic Convergence in 1987. This year will be the 22nd World Congress on Illumination. Twenty-two (22) is the master number that reflects POWER ON ALL PLANES AND THE ABILITY TO CHANGE THE COURSE OF HISTORY. The synchronicity of this event with the unfolding Divine Plan has been orchestrated by the Company of Heaven.

Our time is at hand. Listen to your heart, and you will KNOW your part in this Divine Plan. Archangel Michael is awaiting your response. Ask the Company of Heaven for assistance in paving the way for you to attend this activity of Light. Trust your inner knowing. All is well.

This sacred conclave will be a celestial experience for everyone involved. Each day, as we successfully fulfill one phase of the Divine Plan, Archangel Michael and the Spiritual Hierarchy will reveal the next phase of the plan to us. As we sojourn through the various activities of Light, under the Divine Guidance of our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven, our mission will be victoriously accomplished.

When you enter Archangel Michael’s portal of Light, you will experience the full magnitude of his Power and Protection. Within the Divinity of your Heart Flame you will remember your mission on Earth, and you will be filled with bliss and elation for the opportunity at hand.

The World Congress On Illumination is truly a life-transforming event that will provide you with the opportunity to meet old friends from around the world with whom you have been serving for aeons of time. You will join hearts with fellow Lightworkers who will support you in your selfless service to the Light.

The Divine Plan we are being called to fulfill will be accomplished through myriad activities of Light. We will be joined at inner levels by the Solar Logos from Suns beyond Suns, the entire Company of Heaven, the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity, the Divine Intelligence that directs the Elemental Kingdom, the Mighty Elohim and the Legions of Angels throughout Infinity. All of this will occur within the Infinite Body of our omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent Father-Mother God, All That Is.

The entire Universe is supporting us in this holy endeavor. The Beings of Light have been given permission to assist us in myriad ways, but the Lightworkers on Earth are a critical factor in bringing this Divine Plan into physical manifestation. Our responsibility is enormous, but when we join our hearts together, we will succeed God Victoriously.

Just for a moment, go within to the Divinity of your Heart Flame, and experience the overwhelming Gratitude and Love pouring forth from our Father-Mother God and the Beings of Light in the Heavenly Realms. Feel the deep appreciation being sent to you from On High for your willingness to serve Humanity and ALL Life during this critical moment in the evolution of this blessed planet.

Our website,, contains all of the information you will need in order to participate in the 22nd Annual World Congress on Illumination. Read everything carefully and feel the elation pouring forth from the Heavenly Realms. After aeons of time, the archetypes for the Abundance of God and Eternal Peace are being permanently established in the lives of awakening Humanity. Thank you, God.


There will be many ways in which Lightworkers all over the world will participate in this unprecedented opportunity. Many will have the heart call to serve as the Hands of God on behalf of ALL Humanity. They will travel to Archangel Michael’s Focus of Light and become mighty transformers through which the Light of God will flow to anchor the NEW archetypes for Humanity’s Abundance and Eternal Peace.

Some Lightworkers will be inspired to travel to various sacred sites on the planet to magnetize the NEW archetypes that are being anchored within the focus of Archangel Michael, and project them into Mother Earth’s Crystal Grid System. Other Lightworkers will gather with their groups in their own locations. They will join with us in consciousness, and they will weave their Light and Love into this global activity of Light. And still others will join in consciousness from the solitude of their own sanctuaries.

All of these ways of participating are vital to the success of this Divine Mission. The important thing is that you truly listen to your heart and respond according to your heart’s call and your particular facet of this Divine Plan. No one else can do this for you. Trust your inner knowing.

No matter where you are guided to be, know that we are ALL One. Precious Heart, your Light and Love are needed NOW!


It came at short notice, we viewed the next day, & claimed it for the Vision & Mission Sanctuary & work, as well as our new home! Mandel & I have not had a "Home Together" in the 4 & a half years we have been together, due to various difficulties! IT IS A MIRACLE INDEED! IT NEEDS FURNISHING (& MUCH PAPER-WORK WITH HEALTH AUTHORITIES & BENEFITS OFFICE) & PLANNING. BUT WE HAVE SIGNED UP & HAVE THE KEY TO THE DOOR! Having to give 4 weeks notice, etc, we plan to be moved in by 15th JUNE 2008. The cow field is only yards away, the pub just across the road has a cockerel to awaken us in the mornings, St Michael's church, equally nearby has bell-ringing to inspire; There's a farm shop, a 2-hrly bus service, a community centre & more to be discovered in the next few days! The nearest Small Town, which is FAVERSHAM, is really friendly & they have lots of helpful facilities! The nearest sea shore would be Whitstable - & Herne Bay where I have very many happy & spiritual memories, both as a child & adult!
We thank God / Goddess & the others concerned with all our hearts!
Contact us for more information:
or the usual mobiles/text: 07939 623027 also 07944 352752
Those on our mailing list will receive information soon.

Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Celebrating Our Humanity

From: "Harold W. Becker"
To: "John T. Goltz"
Subject: Celebrating our Humanity - Global Love Day 2008
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2008 18:12:09 -0400
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Happy Global Love Day 2008!

It is with great honor and delight that we wish you a wonderful day filled with love on this, our fifth Global Love Day for May 1st. Through your strength, courage and willingness, unconditional love is being felt as a tangible presence around the world. This is truly a celebration of our humanity as we unite as one family.

Whether gathering and celebrating in groups or simply in personal meditation today, we are deeply grateful to each and every one of you for sharing the vision of love with us every day.

Love, light and peace,
Your Friends at The Love Foundation

Think: Global Love Day
Feel: Love Begins With Me
Remember: May 1, 2009

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Song: "America's Heart" & Blog

Blessings, Peace & Love be yours for the Divine Plan & Purpose - "Peace on Earth, & Good Will to ALL!" Mandel & Carol

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Fwd: [Vegetarian Friends] The May issue of The Peaceable Table is now online

In this issue:

* With this issue we launch an irregular column to be entitled
"Glimpses of the Peaceable Kingdom," stories of extraordinary cross-
species relationships of love and friendship. PT has occasionally
featured such accounts in the past, but our Guest Editorial this month
tells a particularly wonderful story of a reptile and a mammal. Read
it and tell us what you think.

* The NewsNote tells of a fine bonobo sanctuary that has been opened
in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

* Bonobos, together with other animals and birds, are also featured
in the Essay Review of "Minds of Their Own," lead article in the March
'08 National Geographic.

* In the Film Review, we learn of some surprising analogies between
the situation of the hero of Horton Hears a Who! and that of animal

* A recipe for delicious tsimmes, encountered at a Passover Seder,
appears in this month's Recipe column.

* The May "Pilgrim" is attorney and author Lee Hall, legal advisor of
Friends of Animals.

* Our Pioneer and Poet is another worthy from ancient Rome, the
lighthearted and sometimes ribald poet Ovid, who in this excerpt from
Metamorphoses (with translation) reveals a serious side.

You can view this issue online at

We always welcome comments, suggestions, and submissions.

Peace to all,
Gracia Fay Ellwood

Dear Fellow Global Love Day Family,

Date: Thu, 1 May 2008 16:15:02 -0700
Subject: Global Love Day in NYC
I am just home from today's Global Love Day Program in NYC where we had Yatande Boko, a Haitian drummer, students in dance from Wadleigh Performing Arts High, Kathryn Twinfeathers, a Native American Flute player, Bridget Foley from the Museum for African Art, Marva Allen, CEO of Human Bookstore and many diverse members of the community. 
We danced in front of Hue-man, and processed around the block on 125th up to St Nicholas and returned via 124th at the Magic Johnson Theatre Complex. 
 We then went into Hue-Man for a sacred circle and read poetry, talked about J. California Cooper, Sweet Honey and the Rock, Pete Seeger, the Sean Bell verdict, Mayor Bloomberg's greeting, etc--- Harold Becker and all of you from The Love Foundation, Global love---and loving ourselves. 
The group read quotes from Dr. Martin Luther King, Khalil Gibran, Maya Angelou, and Thich Nat Hahn.  Dancers shared solo performances to the flute, and drums.  We celebrated the moment, and the day.  It was glorious!
Kathryn Twinfeathers will send photos in a day or two.
With Love, and Appreciation!  Miss Mellie Rainbow aka Melony McGant
Fri, 2 May 2008 08:14:08 -0700
Top of Form
Greetings All,
I've attached a few photos from the wonderful Global Love Day Celebration in New York City at the Hue-Man Bookstore.
In Joy,

Kathryn Twinfeathers

Blessings, Peace & Love be yours for the Divine Plan & Purpose - "Peace on Earth, & Good Will to ALL!"  Mandel & Carol

Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
A Smarter Email.