Friday, 1 May 2009

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Dear Friends, We have created a special new video and are delighted to present it to you as our gift - may it inspire us all to live in peace and harmony.
Enjoy this beautiful journey around the world as we share the vision of unconditional love for our cherished planet and her many diverse inhabitants and expressions. Spanning the globe and traveling to every corner of the earth, these images inspire us to open our hearts with compassion and wisdom as we embrace the amazing diversity all about us. When we come from love, we live in harmony and create a new world of peace, prosperity and joy for all.
You may also access the video directly on our home page at
or our TLF YouTube Nonprofit Channel at

Special thanks to Allan and Lessia at Bridging Heaven and Earth for the music.
Each facet of life is precious and we are honored to walk the journey of unconditional love with you.

Love, light and peace,
The Board - Harold, John, Tam Lanis, and Erik.
Our Country and Regional Coordinators - Lydiah, Raphael, Magda, Martin, Emmanuel, Peris, Wendi, Keyvan, Julie, Shiva, Shed, Sahro, Zuberi, Melissa, Karim, Falguni, Matthew, Kimiko, Ebrima, Norah, D. Amalraj, Wojciech, Melony, Roger, Sumari, Lee, Deby, Mitzi, Darlene, Heather, Jana, Kaleemullah, Javier, Bishwanath, Teri, Pat, Zeina and Kelvin.

The Love Foundation, Inc.
"Inspiring People to Love Unconditionally"

Think: Global Love Day
Feel: Love Begins With Me
Remember: May 1, 2009

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BLACKPOOL,FY4 1JF. ENGLAND. (Tel: 01253 343701)
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“Beyond a Minute for Peace, is a minute in which we become one with the Father of all mankind. In that state of eternity all things flow under Divine government. The vision of a minute for peace is not a static minute, but is that state of mind through which the wondrous, creative, infinite powers of the universe spill forth in the highest productivity. It is a moment when one by one across the world we can really come back to God and discover this channel of communication, this oneness through which God’s love is released into the entire world community.
Therefore, it is much more than just being still, just being quiet even for the sake of peace. It is being still in the midst of God, out of which the peace, the harmony, the creative surge, the infinite majesty, the perfect everything flow into our experience.
In this sacred moment, this minute for peace, be still and know one truth, that the Kingdom of God is the Kingdom of Love. That in the Kingdom of Love we commune with and release love, unto every person on earth. In this love is founded the brotherhood of man and the eternal purpose of God.
Thank You Father, for the privilege and miracle of being alive, and for the joy of having brotherhood with all people of every race, every colour, every creed and every religion. This is established in Thee, and everyone everywhere, and Thank You, Father, that it is so.”

By: Bro. Mandus
Brother Mandus, 9th January 1907 – 8th March 1988
Founder of the World Healing Crusade.

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“We tend to think that the rest of the world is screwed up, and “Why can’t you guys be like us?” The truth, however, is that we are not as peaceful a people as we may believe. But as we choose peace within ourselves – by exercising a bit each day just as much as helping out around the neighbourhood and so forth, the world around us will change.
There is another Spiritual Principle that states, “We cannot give what we do not have.” So once again, as we find that inner peace, we can then spread that outwardly to the world by our example. There is no other way to effect World Peace.
The timing of this message is no accident. We are in a most critical state in the world scene right now. If left to its inertia, there could be a Great War like we’ve never seen before – and worse. If brought back into balance now, we could see a time of Peace like never seen before on this planet. All we need do is find that inner peace now.
We are warned to listen to that inner voice before making any travel plans and to heed what the body is commanding us to do or not do. Find some time for a quiet walk by yourself. Find some time for stillness. Listen and pay attention to silence. Refrain from saying all that much because that is when we tend to put our foot in our mouth. Choose Peace Now.

In Love, Light, and Will.” Blaine S. Collins.

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Embracing Change with Love

Embracing Change with Love
Saturday, 21 March, 2009 12:19 AM
From: "Harold W. Becker"
To: "'John Goltz'"

Dear Friends,

We are such amazing beings of infinite capacity and potential. Our boundless imagination, coupled with our wondrous will, allows us to bring our ideas into outer reality. Through our thoughts and feelings, we can literally create and experience that which we dream of in our heart of hearts. With patience and trust we manifest whatever we truly seek to experience on this grand adventure.

Whether we realize it or not, we create this way every moment. Yet, so often we become mired in habit and routine and stop being present with our imagination and the wisdom of our heart. Instead, we allow outmoded and outdated beliefs to take over rather than being aware of our creative choice. The unquestioned stream of mental thoughts, subtle notions of our emotional disposition, and very often, the outer suggestions of others, begin to dictate our identity, our actions and reactions.

That is, until something comes along to awaken us. This is frequently in the form of an accident, illness, unexpected event or circumstances that instantly disrupts our routine. If we are deeply rooted in habit, mentally or emotionally focused in the past or future, or simply unaware of our own creative spirit, this experience is usually met with great resistance and defiance by our outer personality or ego. The defenses, justification, victimhood and righteousness are often our immediate reaction to the fear and doubt that comes instantly to the surface. We become afraid of the change that has already happened.

How would our lives be different if we chose to be present in each moment knowing that change is constant and the very nature of life itself? What would happen if we actually embraced change as a wonderful opportunity to restore our creative capacity and begin anew with love?

Life is fluid, expansive and recreating itself every moment; we need only pay attention to the natural world to realize this. From the cycle of the seasons to the ever flowing rivers, the ceaseless life giving energy of the sun, the acorn becoming the mighty oak, or the rhythmic pulse of our own heartbeat, nature understands and embraces change. No two moments are exactly the same and love is forever present.

Always remember who you are – a beautiful and outrageously creative being capable of manifesting a world filled with peace, joy and unconditional love. Now is the perfect moment to imagine a new potential and choose it for yourself and the world around you.

Love, light and peace,

Harold W. Becker

President and Founder

The Love Foundation, Inc.

“Inspiring People to Love Unconditionally”

Think: Global Love Day

Feel: Love Begins With Me

Remember: May 1, 2009

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-- By Saikat Mondal --
(From his book: “Dialogues With My Self” - with kind permission.)
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Peace, thou God’s beloved Angel
When on Earth, will you forever reign?
Behind every newborn’s smile
You put all hope of lasting Peace;
And again all your hopes are dashed
As they grow up, only to run after cash.

When will this hypocrisy end?
Only then, can Peace on Earth descend.
Peace & prosperity goes hand in hand
Never do they both in one place stand
Like bees roaming from flower to flower
Peace & prosperity roams, distributing harmony & power.

Searching for Peace all over the world
But it dwells in our hearts, innermost shrine;
Clear the dust and let it shine.
We substitute wars to justify peace
But how many bloody wars ever peace restore
Enough. Enough bloodshed, Please no more.

A day will soon to mankind dawn
The day when all forms of hostility is gone
No bitterness, no fights
No nationality and religions too.
In unison, we all will sing from our heart
Peace, Peace, Peace is here to stay at last.

I know it’s a dream
That may never come true
But we must dream on
What else is there to do.
O Lord, Let Peace be still
Let it not be a flickering flame in gusty wind.
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To contact the author, Saikat Mondal – Tel or Text: +447947582451

Saikat is working closely along-side with the “One Earth Vision & Mission” to help bring more love & peace to a troubled world & considers himself a “FRIEND FOR WORLD PEACE.”

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A Spring Note From Miss Mellie Rainbow


My Beloveds,
Angels sang to me this morning and awakened me from a lovely slumber.
Today I pray for each beautiful sentient being throughout the Universe.
I visualize us enveloped in a world of peace, with equanimity, and joy.

Still, my heart cries at our need for violence, at our rationale for killing, at our thoughts of the inevitability of war, and economic collapse. Painfully I address the lack of opportunity, literacy and safety for those in the United States, and extend my thoughts globally.
There is no reason or need for poverty of mind, body or spirit
---other than the desire for a few to have MORE.

More money, more land, more stocks, more fun in the Alps ---MORE.

Though I am grateful for each of my blessings,
Today I too am asking for MORE.

My more is in direct relation to a desire for equity for all people,
the sustainability of our Earth, and the healing of all disease.

My more is hope, joy, compassion, and understanding.
My more is a world filled with conscious intention and love.
My more is a request to ask that we honor our seniors, share them with our precious children and provide them with the best of ourselves.

MORE. My more is a dream of humility, respect and diplomacy as we learn to interact with each other heart to heart.

MORE. My more is for us to vision and create a world of cooperation where we allow others the dignity of returning to their homelands instead of creating political obstacles to peace.

Yes today my heart sings a melody of more---more understanding, more compassion, more willingness to share the fruits of our labor.
I believe our potential of greatness. I believe in a society that says right NOW---let’s redefine our commitment to each other.

Please, let us remember the voice of the Great Spirit.
Let us ask more of ourselves as we meet each other in Grace,
and walk side by side, heart to heart.

Let us have more listening, more kindness, more truth, more hope and more faith as we embrace the Divine in each of us.
This Is My Request of MORE!

Melony McGant

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'Change has come to America'
Wednesday, November 5 07:28 am

Barack Obama has become the first black US president
after a landslide election victory.

Obama wins historic US election
• Obama considers top job for Clinton
• Fierce speculation Obama will choose Clinton as top diplomat

Related Hot Topic: John McCain
The 47-year-old Democrat led his Republican rival John McCain by 297 votes to 139 as he passed the magic number of 270 needed to win the presidency at 4am GMT. Later projections showed he won by 349 votes to 158.

Mr Obama promised change and a new dawn of leadership.
Speaking after sweeping a series of key battleground states in a landslide electoral college victory, he pledged to be a president of all Americans and vowed to overcome challenges which were "the greatest of our lifetime", including two wars, a global economic crisis and a planet in peril.
"I promise you, we as a people will get there," he said.
Cheered on by tens of thousands of supporters in Chicago's Grant Park, Mr Obama took to a stage lined with US flags with his his wife Michelle and young daughters Malia, ten, and Sasha, seven, at his side.
Mr Obama told those whose support he had not won: "I hear your voices, I need your help and I will be your president too."
He said he would listen to his opponents, adopt a multilateral approach to world affairs and told those watching outside the US that "our stories are singular but our destiny is shared".
"The new dawn of America leadership is at hand," he said.
"To those who would tear the world down, we will defeat you. To those who seek peace and security, we support you.
"And to all those who have wondered if American's beacon still burns as bright, tonight we've proved once more that the true strength of our nation comes not from the might of our arms or the scale of our wealth, but from the enduring power of our ideals: democracy, liberty, opportunity and unyielding hope.
"That's the true genius of America. The road ahead will be long, our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year, or even in one term, but America I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there.
"I promise you, we, as a people, will get there."
Many in the crowd were crying and even political pundits on major US TV networks wiped tears from their eyes as the man who could transform race relations in America ascended to the highest office in the land.
Conceding defeat in his home state of Arizona, Mr McCain said: "The American people have spoken and they have spoken clearly. This is an historic election."
Mr McCain joined outgoing president George W Bush in calling Mr Obama to congratulate him personally.
Mr Obama, a first-term senator from Illinois, will be sworn in as the 44th US president on January 20, 2009.
The win by Mr Obama, the son of a black father from Kenya and white mother from Kansas, comes 45 years after the high point of the equality movement led by Martin Luther King Jr.
The assassinated civil rights leader's daughter Bernice King said: "I was very excited tonight and moved to tears."
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