Friday, 1 May 2009


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“Beyond a Minute for Peace, is a minute in which we become one with the Father of all mankind. In that state of eternity all things flow under Divine government. The vision of a minute for peace is not a static minute, but is that state of mind through which the wondrous, creative, infinite powers of the universe spill forth in the highest productivity. It is a moment when one by one across the world we can really come back to God and discover this channel of communication, this oneness through which God’s love is released into the entire world community.
Therefore, it is much more than just being still, just being quiet even for the sake of peace. It is being still in the midst of God, out of which the peace, the harmony, the creative surge, the infinite majesty, the perfect everything flow into our experience.
In this sacred moment, this minute for peace, be still and know one truth, that the Kingdom of God is the Kingdom of Love. That in the Kingdom of Love we commune with and release love, unto every person on earth. In this love is founded the brotherhood of man and the eternal purpose of God.
Thank You Father, for the privilege and miracle of being alive, and for the joy of having brotherhood with all people of every race, every colour, every creed and every religion. This is established in Thee, and everyone everywhere, and Thank You, Father, that it is so.”

By: Bro. Mandus
Brother Mandus, 9th January 1907 – 8th March 1988
Founder of the World Healing Crusade.

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“We tend to think that the rest of the world is screwed up, and “Why can’t you guys be like us?” The truth, however, is that we are not as peaceful a people as we may believe. But as we choose peace within ourselves – by exercising a bit each day just as much as helping out around the neighbourhood and so forth, the world around us will change.
There is another Spiritual Principle that states, “We cannot give what we do not have.” So once again, as we find that inner peace, we can then spread that outwardly to the world by our example. There is no other way to effect World Peace.
The timing of this message is no accident. We are in a most critical state in the world scene right now. If left to its inertia, there could be a Great War like we’ve never seen before – and worse. If brought back into balance now, we could see a time of Peace like never seen before on this planet. All we need do is find that inner peace now.
We are warned to listen to that inner voice before making any travel plans and to heed what the body is commanding us to do or not do. Find some time for a quiet walk by yourself. Find some time for stillness. Listen and pay attention to silence. Refrain from saying all that much because that is when we tend to put our foot in our mouth. Choose Peace Now.

In Love, Light, and Will.” Blaine S. Collins.

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