Thursday 24 April 2008

Oh we do like to be beside the sea-side!

Some where in Sussex, or possibly Kent, would be good for a Mission semi-rural base for the deeper inner spiritual work & retreats / therapies.

Can anyone help in this?

Love, compassion, peace & good will - in forgiveness, & devotional selfless service - will triumph over selfish & ego motivation in the long run!

The Greater Task - to help bring more peace to the world, - the Altruistic Vision is not a pipe-dream.

We follow in a long line of saints, avatars & self-less servants of the Divine God / Goddess, who taught the sacred nature of all life in the universe - & sought to liberate humanity from its blind bigotries, fear & en masse desire for money, fame, power over others - and self-fulfilment at the cost of all else!

Let us forgive, & set the example of peaceful protest for a better world! - They may kill our body, but our spirit of Love & Compassionate Courage & outreach lives on eternally! - We will be back as Boddhisatva's to continue our task till all sentient life is liberated from suffering!

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