Thursday, 20 March 2008

"Unconditional Love"

20 Mar 2008

Dear Friends,

We are such amazing beings of potential. At our core center, we have a spark of life filled with infinite love. This love is pure, natural and unconditional. Like an endless reservoir, it flows without limit whenever we breathe into the moment and remember this love. We instantly radiate it into all of our experiences and create our lives with incomparable beauty, harmony, peace and joy. The wonder of this awareness is that when we recognize our own spark of divinity we behold this same essence in everyone around us.

Over eons of time and for countless reasons, we have forgotten the importance of being present in the moment and to stay connected with this limitless love. We have placed a symbolic wall around our hearts and blocked the light that seeks to flow as a boundless river of love. As we steadily continued to build this inner defense, so too have we separated ourselves from one another in the outer world of form. When the light eventually became very dim, we let fear and doubt become our motivating intent and as a result, we now find ourselves in a world of seeming chaos, darkness, struggle and strain – the likes of which we have never known.

These outer conditions are merely calling to us to take down our self created barriers and to love once more without reservation or hesitation. We are beginning to realize we have a choice and can make a difference by allowing ourselves to be vulnerable and intimate both with ourselves and with each other. It is okay to accept that we are capable of loving unconditionally. We can also acknowledge that we are loveable and loved and that the walls we have built to protect us from potential hurt, shame, hate and all number of mental and emotional devices need no longer be a part of our world.

We take the first step by having unconditional compassion for our own journey. We may have built this fortification brick by brick with reasoning we thought justifiable at the time, yet now we are aware of our potential to embrace our love and no longer be afraid of it. By accepting ourselves without condition or judgment, we dissolve the walls that have kept this wondrous energy from flowing naturally. In turn, we share this unconditional compassion to those around us as we now understand how they have held back their love too. Compassion is the key that unlocks our collective potential to heal our world and restore the love that is at the heart of all creation.

When we know we have love in our heart, unconditional compassion becomes as natural as breathing.

Love, light and peace,

Harold W. Becker

President and Founder

The Love Foundation, Inc.

"Inspiring People to Love Unconditionally"

Think: Global Love Day

Feel: Love Begins With Me

Remember: May 1, 2008

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