Thursday, 13 March 2008

Winter News Sheet - Jan to March 2008. - PAGE 6 OF 8

“THE NEW MAN" (written on 9/29/1999) – By SAIKAT MONDAL
To be a Unique Individual is your very own birth right; It is also your God given Right to be so, hence whatever impediments and barriers stops or prevents you from reaching and blossoming into your total potential Individuality, should be swept aside - may it be religious dogmas the societal norms and conventions - or even wishes and desires of your parents & relatives. No one knows what is best for you except you and your deeper Self. And a New Man will burst forth and come into being, not bound by traditions and conventions, but listening to his own voice, his own consciousness; - An enlightened being, not prejudiced and contaminated by old traditions - a very authentic Human Being. Wherever there is Beauty, Knowledge, Individuality, he will always be at home.
The time is perfect and ripe for many such new men - and also much needed. He will evade and escape all previous forms of category and categorization i.e. the New Man. He will end oppression of Man by Man. The New man will be a warrior and the most truthful preserver Of Human Liberty, Equality and Freedom. For he has tasted the ecstatic joys of Freedom himself and wants mankind to be drunk with the same intensity of Joy. And all of earth will sing and dance in delight, life on earth will be an endless celebration of Joy and Creativity. Nature too will shed her mourning gown and dance in blissful ecstasy!
(Authors note: the writer means ‘man’ in the old sense of the word - which very much includes woman too!)
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Personal inspiration sent in by: MRS. GLYNIS KLEIN,
From Cologne, Germany
(Part of an art work book she has written.)
Poems in all shapes and sizes
Earth’s gift to our intellect
Earth’s music for us to detect,
Shades of blue, shades of black,
White weeping petals and the
Sweet purring of a cat.
She sings them all our Mother Earth,
Poems made of faint shades of truth
And tinged with gentle mirth.
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A poem from latest issue of:
"The human race is a single being
Created from one jewel
If one member is struck
All must feel the blow.
Only someone who cares for the pain of others
Can truly be called human.”
- (SAADI, c1200AD)
This and other such remembered poetry helped a 97 year old lady - and a few others, who were eventually rescued from an earthquake zone on 26/12/2003 in BAM – after being buried alive for 8 days!
(43,000 people perished and the whole ancient city was destroyed.)

“PEACE NEWS" (War is so 20th century!) Peace News Ltd, 5 Caledonia Rd, London, N1 9DY. U.K.
Phone: 0845 456 5183. (From abroad: +44 845 456 5183).web site:
(£1 in shops, monthly, - Info on peace activist events & advice. Many contacts for PEACE.)
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"POSITIVE NEWS": 01588 640 033. website: - A not-for-profit company offering Good News every 3 months. The paper is free, just pay postage - or can subscribe & get full colour magazine too! * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"Elissa Rattigan" - For details of animal welfare from spiritual & scientific viewpoints.
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“Harold.W.Becker” - For free advice on becoming more loving and peaceful – so to share it with others.“GLOBAL DAY OF LOVE”: May 1st 2008.

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