Thursday, 13 March 2008

Winter News Sheet - Jan to March 2008. - PAGE 7 OF 8


“Each of us are on a journey; each of us are packed and ready to go
- Just be sure we have all the essentials with us before we set out upon that journey,
For it is long and arduous and often like seeds we can fall by the wayside.
We must help the fallen along the wayside and by helping them, we help ourselves.

We are given these things to test us and to show us that we are indeed immortal and do live forever. So, why then do we feel that by shutting ourselves away we will achieve what is there for us?
No. We can only succeed when we have the knowledge and this knowledge is gained - not given freely - it has to be earned and by the earning - we achieve.
So remember this and know that knowledge is always a key to unlocking wisdom....”

This inspiration was kindly donated by: MS. YVONNE WILLIAMS of South Wales.

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“It is there with its offering
Around every corner and every hidden avenue.
It comes both at times of great personal trials,
And times of warmth and love.

It brings much with it and asks for nothing
Only to be recognised and embraced.
It promises of new beginnings and breaking down barriers.
It encourages joy, harmony and hope for the future.

It sounds like a soft tendril of wind, or a baby’s gurgle
It permeates all gods living creatures
And guides them on they’re divine plan.
It seeks out solace and understanding.
Providing space for creativity.

It embraces all that is kind and good
It gives you choice when you feel trapped.
It smells like the fresh scent of an array of spring flowers.
It colours like a deep red rose.

It sings like the birds on a summers evening.
It breathes new life into all on this earth.
It creates positive opportunities.
It releases you from dependency and thus sets you free.

It does all this and more, simple yet profound.
You may have it, it asks nothing.
It is here to be welcomed into your life.”

Poetic inspiration from: MS. NINA FAIRLEY, From : Edinburgh, SCOTLAND. U.K.

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